Chapter 18

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Peyton's mom called within eight minutes.

Peyton hesitated as she stared at her phone, but even if this weren't her true mother, she knew better than to ignore any mother's phone call. It'd only make things so much worse.

So she answered it.

"Peyton! What in the world is going on? You got married!? How could you not tell me? When did this happen? Who was the judge that presided over this? What county? How could you not have your father or me as a witness?"

Peyton rubbed between her eyes as she paced back and forth in front of the fireplace. "Mom, hi. Look, one thing at a time, okay?"

The woman let out an exasperated huff.


"It was a spur of the moment decision," Peyon only half lied. "We didn't want to make a big deal of it."

"Make a big deal- Peyton, darling, you are a Woods and he's a Luthor. This was always going to be a big deal."

"Well, none of it matters now. We lost the marriage certificate in the crash before we could turn it in."

"No!" Her mother barked. "Of course it matters! All it means is that you were meant to have a wedding! Darling, don't you dare throw this all away because of an inconvenience. I know you've been... independent lately, but Lex can take- He's always been there for you. You've been friends since you were children; it makes good sense."

Peyton paused in her pacing and frowned in confusion at her mother's statement. Did she actually notice Peyton had been, well, different? She always assumed the parents here were too wrapped up in work to worry or care, but it seemed the lack of prior personality wasn't completely missed.

"It may not be a great idea," Peyton hedged. She still hadn't had a moment to sit down and even process the fact that she told Lex she'd consider this. "Lionel is upset over it, and with us both being company heirs-"

"Oh, Peyton, darling, don't you worry one moment about Lionel. I don't think he's been happy a day in his life. Now, I'll come out in a couple days, once I arrange a few things here, and we can start going over venues and napkins and how many courses for dinner and- Samuel would you get me a tissue? Married, Samuel! Peyton is getting married!"

"Now, wait." Peyton's voice turned urgent. "I didn't say we were going-"

"You love him, don't you?"

It was a trick question. Peyton paused.

If she said no, then her parents would be baffled and possibly concerned over why she claimed to have married him in the first place. She'd either be seen as a hapless victim pushed along by Lex's malicious whims, or as a gold digger. Which would be worse given she didn't need to be a gold digger.

Peyton glanced up at the office doorway; Lex told her he'd let her make this call in private, but it still felt like he was waiting right outside the doors.

She cared about him. She could admit to that. She wanted the best for him and for him to be happy and unharmed; she enjoyed spending time with him. That was a type of love.

Peyton swallowed and scrunched her eyes closed. Her answer would likely seal her fate, in a way.

"Of course I do."

"Then there's no question, is there? Now, I have so much to do to prepare. Oh, Peyton, I'm so ecstatic, you have no idea; I may burst. I'll see you in a few days, alright, love?"

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