Chapter 29

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Her phone rang in the middle of the work day on her second day at the Kent's. Peyton looked at the caller ID in case it was Lex with an update, but slumped in disappointment when she saw "Annalise" displayed instead. She ignored the first few rings, but finally caved and answered.

"Hey Anna. What's up?"

"Oh, you know, just checking in since you never call. What are you doing? I mean, what even is there to do in that little town? Is it even cute? I should drive down just to check it out for fun."

Peyton tossed her head back against the couch and pressed her palm against her forehead.

"Now may not be the best time."

"Uh, is this because of the 'newly married' thing? Because, wow."

"No," Peyton snapped in distress. "No, that's not it. Gosh. It's just- there's stuff going on and we're trying to manage it."

Annalise let out an inquisitive hum and something rustled on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, you can not leave me with that. What's the dirty little secret? Trouble in paradise already? Are you preg?"

"No," Peyton cried as she rubbed her eyes. Her face grew hot. "Oh my gosh, Anna."

"Cagey. Methinks the lady doth protest-"

"Someone attacked me. We're trying to figure out who did it."

The line went quiet for a second as Annalise processed the idea. Peyton sat her laptop down on the coffee table and slumped over onto her side in preparation of the grilling she was sure to receive.

"Legit attacked?" Annalise questioned cautiously. "Like-"

She paused awkwardly and Peyton sighed.

"They tried to strangle me. Nothing violating. I mean, I guess if you don't count someone trying to take your life as violating."

"Shut up!" Annalise exclaimed. "And you didn't even bother to tell anyone? Do your parents know?" Peyton's silence was damning. "Oh my gosh, Peyton. I can't believe Lex didn't tell them."

"I asked him not to." Her tone grew slightly defensive. Her own mother already spoke as if Peyton still couldn't think half the time, she didn't need it from Annalise too. "I knew they'd freak out and want me to go back to Metropolis, and I didn't want to. I'm out of the mansion right now, and I'm safe."

"Safe out of the mansion," Annalise repeated slowly. "And where would that happen to be?"

"What is this? An interrogation?" Peyton asked in jest. Annalise scoffed.

"Excuse me for asking for some details about the situation where you almost died. Concerned parties would like to know."

Peyton rolled her eyes.

"I'm staying with a local family, the Kents. We've gotten to know them a bit and they were kind enough to offer a room. They live on a farm, you'd hate it."

"Kent," Annalise repeated to herself. "Excuse me, do you not remember how we discussed I'm a complex human being? Just because I've lived in Metropolis my whole life doesn't mean I'd hate it."

Peyton's brow rose.

"So you'd like to live out in the country?"

"No, absolutely not. I'd die immediately."

Peyton laughed and that seemed to lighten the news of her near death. She sat up and ruffled her hair as she cut her eyes to make sure Martha and Jonathan were still outside. Luckily they were.

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