Chapter 13

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Lex waited as she rolled her lips through her teeth and hesitated.

"Ok, well, we've established that my stay here may be longer than I first anticipated. Possibly...possibly even permanent. If that's the case, then I need to start making plans."


Peyton nodded and rubbed at her knuckles.

"Yes. I want to believe I'll find a way back, but I can't just use you like this until it happens. If it ever does. Like I mentioned before, I need to get a job. A place to stay."

Lex's frown deepened.

"Is there something wrong with the manor? Are you uncomfortable?"

Peyton's face flashed in surprise.

"No. It's all wonderful. But it isn't mine to take advantage of. I can't depend on you for who knows how long."

"If you're worried about it being a strain, don't."

Peyton bit the inside of her cheek and ran her hand through her hair. She tried to think of a way to get this across to him without being insulting.

"It's not that I necessarily think it's a strain. It sounds like you've already been...taking care of this body for quite some time. And since I keep coming back, I'm so grateful for that. But, if I want to look into something or spend money on research that goes nowhere, I don't want to be constantly abusing your generosity."

An expression flickered across his face, almost like surprise. And then he was studying her even more intently than before, if that were even possible.

"Why not," he asked. "What would it matter to you if it were my money going into this research or yours?"
Peyton tilted her head back, gracing him with a look of obvious confusion.

"Because," she said, "I, well, you're my friend. I wouldn't want you to think I'm using you, you know?"

Lex processed the words. He shook his head and rubbed his hand over his scalp. Let out a sharp huff of air. Peyton looked away towards the fireplace. Oh, he probably thought she was an idiot. She didn't need to consult with him at all, did she? She still had an identity here, even if she wasn't familiar with it. There was always the option of contacting her other parents and going back to their place until she figured things out.

Although the idea of that wasn't exactly appealing.

But she still didn't know if she could stay in the manor. They weren't actually a couple and... and she didn't need to get to know him anymore than she did now.

"So," she said with a ruffle of her bangs. "I guess I'm just letting you know that I'm planning-"

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to leave the manor," Lex cut in.

This had been the part she'd been expecting. Peyton sighed and he frowned at her response.

Standing from the couch he turned to the wet bar across the room to pour himself a drink. She rolled her head over her shoulders in annoyance at the dramatics.

"I understand that you've been doing this a long time, but the situation has changed," Peyton argued. "For me to live dependently and in close quarters continuously, I don't-"

She cut herself off and Lex raised a brow. Took a sip from his crystal glass.

"Don't what?"
"I don't think it would be good for me given what I'm trying to do."

He took another drink, mulling over her words, before his lips curled up and he lifted one finger from his glass to point at her.

"You mean you're afraid you'll get attached to me. Maybe not want to go home."

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