Chapter 20

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Peyton took another bite of chocolate cake and danced slightly from side to side as she chewed happily. For being Smallville's only real bakery, the cakes were better than she expected. The owner of the shop sat next to Peyton and Lex, beaming as they finished up the taste test; she'd been kind enough to accommodate them moving their appointment to the next day after the bank robbery.

"You like that one?" Lex inquired with an amused tone. He sat his fork down, only half the test cake eaten, while Peyton finished hers off.

"It has a wonderful, rich flavor," Peyton complimented. "And some warm, nutty notes, if I'm right."

The baker nodded enthusiastically.

"That's right. It's a recipe from my grandmother that I modified; one of our most popular flavors. Everyone likes a good chocolate cake."

Lex gestured to his leftover cake in an offering as Peyton put her own fork down, and she eyed the couple bites in temptation before shaking her head. If she wanted to look halfway decent in a wedding dress she probably shouldn't.

Which was still a weird thought.

"Well," the baker continued, "I do appreciate you coming back despite that bank robbery craziness. Will you need some time to talk things over?"

They'd already decided to stay local, and the cake was actually good. Peyton inclined her head to Lex and he reached up to clasp his hand over hers.

"Actually, I think we'd like to employ your services." He said. "What sorts of decorating options do you offer?"

The baker's beaming smile grew.


There was a certain edge to the town as Peyton and Lex left the bakery. It was sharply felt when people recognized Lex. Peyton mused she could guess their thought journey.

Recognition, recalling the robbery, and then the sheriff's announcement of Lex's sound alibi which only left subsequent confusion.

Most would hopefully know the sheriff enough not to believe he was in Lex's pocket. But if he wasn't, then those who'd seen the imposter Lex run off surely had their heads spinning trying to figure out what had happened. Peyton still couldn't.

Lex grabbed her hand as they left the bakery and walked down the sidewalk. He kept doing that. And given they were currently planning a wedding it seemed silly for her to tell him not to. Still, it made her feel funny. She wasn't going to stop and think about why.

"We should go check in on the investigation," Lex said, making a beeline for the sheriff's office.

Peyton pulled on his arm and brought him to a stop.

"It's still early, and I doubt they have much given they haven't called or made any announcements," she said. "Let's at least wait until after lunch and give them a chance. There's a few boutiques around this strip, we can, I don't know, look around. Maybe there's something we can use for... the wedding."

He clearly would rather go harass the police for answers, and Peyton couldn't exactly blame him. If someone were committing crimes with her face, she would want them caught as quickly as possible too, but she wasn't confident they would have many leads just yet.

Lex sighed and relented to her with a tip of his head.

"You're probably right." He said. "I hope they take advantage of the extra time."

"Come on," she tugged him alongside her in the opposite direction. "I want to see if I can find something that'll confound my mother and the wedding planner."

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