Chapter 1: Welcome at Hogwarts

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„Now, there is one more thing I have to say before you can dig into those delicious creations!" Albus Dumbledore announced, causing the vivid chatter that had broken out since the newly sorted first graders had taken a seat, to die down. "As some of you may have noticed, we have yet to return the sorting hat back to it's usual home. Now, this might seem a little odd to you, and granted, it does happen rather rarely, but that is the case because we have one more student to sort this year. A student, who is, indeed, not a first year to be. As you know, there are many wizarding schools spread across the world, one of them being Schwanstein in Germany." He continued, upon which a murmor went through the crowds. "And one of their students is transfering here this year because her parents had to move to the United Kingdom for work related reasons. The young witch is 18 years of age and will be joining our sixth year students. Now..." he said and stepped aside, allowing everyone to see me. "Let's get to sorting the newest addition to our family, Miss Y/n Everton!" he finished his introduction speech and motioned for me to sit down at the chair on which the first graders had previously been sorted. At Schwanstein we had no such thing as sorting because we were simply too small, so I was quite anxious, especially with hundreds of eyes on me. I took a deep breath and sat down and then the old, leathery talking head was placed on my head

"Oh, what an interesting change! It must be decades, since I was last able to sort someone older! Hopefully that makes it easier, since you have matured more than the first graders! Now, let's see... Looks like I was wrong! Brave like a Gryffindor, Ambitious like a Slytherin, loyal and patient like a Hufflepuff, intelligent like a Ravenclaw... dear Merlin, you don't make it easy! But then again, who likes easy? Let's see... Hmm, you want to make good friends...Now I know! Let's go with GRYFFINDOOOOR!" He exclaimed the last word loudly, causing it to echo through the Great Hall. One of the four tables, draped in red and gold started cheering wildly, while two of the other tables with black and yellow and blue and bronze decoration started applauding. The fourth table, draped in pretty green and silver, seemed to ignore the fact that I had been sorted and continued in their dining. Assuming from their attitude and colors, that must be Slytherin.
Ignoring the Slytherin table's ignorance of my sorting result, I made my way to the Gryffindor table. Looking up and down, I found a free spot between a red haired girl and a girl whose hair looked like a lion's mane. By them sat three red haired boys, of which two were chanting "WE GOT THE NEWBIE! WE GOT THE NEWBIE!", while the third one looked slightly embarrassed. Then there was another guy, with brown hair, who looked very nervous, and another guy who looked strangely familiar with his scrubby black hair and round glasses.
"Is this seat taken?" I asked when I arrived at the table, pointing at the spot between the girls. "Oh, no you can sit here! Come, join us!" The red haired girl said. "I'm Ginny Weasly, nice to meet you!" she said. And then they all started introducing each other. "Hermione Grange, Welcome to Hogwarts!" said the witch with the lion like hair. "I'm Ron Weasly" the previously emberassed lookign red haired boy said. He must have noticed my slight confusion and quickly added: "Ginny's older brother. Just like these two dufuses over here." he said nodding his head to his brothers, who looked like copies of each other. "He's Fred." and He's George!" the twins introduced each other two me. "" stammered the nervous looking boy, but I knew what he was trying to say. "Nice meeting you, Neville Longbottom" I said with a hopefully reassuring smile. "And I'm Harry Potter." The boy with the glasses introduced himself. Potter... that name rings a bell, but I didn't think I knew him, even though he looked quite familiar... "Do I... know you? Or are you parents, like, famous or something?" I asked, tilting my head. The smile on his face faded to a grim look. "Something like that. They were... killed by Voldemort." He said and sighed, then he took his left hand to pull back his hair in order to reveal a lightning shaped scar on his forehead. Then I realized who he was: The boy who lived. "Oh.. Oh no, oh my... I'm so sorry, I didn't... I'm sorry" I said. "It's fine. Don't worry about it" he said, and regained his smile.
"You're from Germany, right?" Ron asked. "Born and raised." I replied, prepared for a lot of question. "How come you have an American accent then?" Ok, maybe not that question. "Oh uhm, well, in Germany when we start learning English, we first learn all the British words, you know, but later on we slowly switch towards american english and eventually we have to decide which one we want to use, as long as we don't use a mix of it... and since I went to the Ilvermorny for a year as an exchange student two years ago, the American accent kinda just stuck with me I guess" I explained, shoving a fork full of the delicious food that had appeared on the table out of nowhere. "Nice!" Ron commented. "How is Schwanstein? Do they have houses there? What classes do you have? How does it look like?" Hermione started bubbling. "I'm sorry, I'm really interested in the different schools, I hope I'm not overwhelming you with all my questions!" I chuckled "Don't worry Hermione, I'm used to it." I said, remembering one of my friends who had been quite like her. "Well, Schwanstein is quite small, so we don't have houses. We only have about 25 students per year, but I think it's pretty similar to here other than that. We have the same classes as you, we start school at the age of 13, have 7 years of school, OWL's; NEWT's..." "Don't remind us!" the Weasley twins sighed in unison, and I laughed. "It looks like a stereotypical german house I guess. Big half-timbered house, kinda dark inside, hidden in the alps... but very pretty." "Do you have Quidditch in Germany? Do you play?" Harry asked full of curiosity. My smile grew even wider, if possible. "Of course we do! I absolutely LOVE Quidditch! But since we don't have as many students as you do, we don't have a Quidditch cup, we have a class for it instead. Like PE class in Muggle school!" I said, but only Hermione and Harry seemed to understand. "Well, it's short for Physical Education, but... never mind. It would take faaaar to long to explain the German muggle school system, trust me. But yes, I fucking love Quidditch!" I said. "Did you hear that Wood? ShE fUckIng lOveS qUidDiTcH!" the twins said to a guy next to them, imitating my American accent which immediately made me laugh. The guy looked up, right at me. "Care to come to the tryouts for our team? What position do you play? Oh, I'm Oliver Wood by the way, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team." the guy introduced himself. "Fred, George and I play too, they are beaters and I'm the seeker!" Harry explained. "Cool! Well, since we don't have set teams and have regular classes, I can play on all positions, but my favorite would be Chaser I think." "Splendid! You would be a PERFECT addition to our team! That is, if you're good enough!" Wood said and then returned his attention to the plate in front of him. Ginny leaned over to me and whispered "Don't mind him. His life is all about Quidditch. He's obsessed!" I chuckled. Then I turned to the boy who had stammered while introducing himself, Neville Longbottom. "Hey Neville, do you play too?" I asked. After all, I didn't want him to feel left out of the conversation. He looked up at me and turned as red as a tomato, but then he took a deep breath and said: "No. I-I'm ve-very... clumsy." Even though he still stammered, he managed to didn't mix up any of the words. "You know what? I'm horribly clumsy myself! I once injured myself while flushing the toilet because my finger got stuck! And I frequently run against glass doors, twist my ankle while walking straight lines... you're not alone, Neville!" I said.
Suddenly, the sound of silverware against glass caught our attention and we turned our heads to the staff table, where Professor Dumbeldore had arisen once more, seemingly prepared to hold another speech.

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