Chapter 7: Loss

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„What do you mean, they're dead, Granger just told me they were..." Malfoy started, but I handed him the letter I had read just before I ran off. He read it out loud.

„Dear Miss Y/n Everton,

we are deeply sorry to inform you, that both your parents, Mrs. Sara Everton and Mr. Henry Everton, passed away this morning due to the injuries obtained in the accident you were informed about. Further proceedings will be determined with your headmaster Mr. Albus Dumbledore, whom your parents had noticed as their second emergency contact. Please take care.

Your's respectfully,
Dr. Drake Meyer"

„Oh dear Merlin..." Malfoy whispered. „I'm so incredibly sorry Y/n... I... ugh come here" he sighed and wrapped his arms around me tightly and I buried my face in his shoulder. „Everything will be fine eventually, I promise" Draco whispered into my hair. We sat like that for a while, and I felt so safe crying in his arms, that I didn't even notice someone else walk up to us, until they knelt down and put their hand on my back. I looked up to find Professor Dumbledore, accompanied by Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. „Y/n, I just received a letter from the hospital. We want to express our deepest and most sincere condolences. I'm very sorry for your loss, I know you were close with your parents." Draco let go of me and stood up. He also helped me getting up, but then he took a small step to the side and straightened his back. „Mister Malfoy, please be so kind to take good care of her in this difficult time, even if you two... might not get along." Dumbledore asked. „Yes sir." Malfoy responded. Very well then... you're both exempt from classes today. I know this is a difficult time, so I would like to give you some time to grief. As it appears..." Dumbledore started smiling slightly "...Mr. Malfoy seems to be doing a good job at trying to be there for you. I will see you in the evening." he said and then walked away. I noticed that Draco was looking at me, his eyes filled with worry. „Can we go somewhere warmer?" I asked weakly. „Of course. Come." he said and motioned towards the castle. While we were walking, I tried suppressing the sobs, but it didn't work. When Malfoy heard it, he took my hand and said, yet again, that everything would be fine eventually. As much as we usually got on each other's nerves, I was grateful to not be completely alone.

„There we go." Draco said, as we arrived in front of a painting in the dungeon. He whispered the password and the painting revealed the entrance to what I assumed to be the Slytherin's common room. I didn't have any energy to complain, and when I entered it, I didn't find a reason to. The Slytherin common room was gorgeous, even nicer than the Gryffindor common room. Everything was held in dark green or black and even though it was dark, it was comfortable and warm. Malfoy lead me to the couch in front of the fireplace and sat down. Then he took the blanket that was on the armrest. He motioned on the couch and said „Come, lay down." I wasn't sure of what to do first, but then I laid down next to Malfoy facing the fireplace. I didn't dare to rest my head on his lap, but Malfoy pulled me up until I did. Then he laid down the blanket on top of me. „Warmer?" he asked. „Yes. Thank you." I whispered and looked into the fire, while Malfoy softly stroked my head. „When I was younger, we used to drive up to this house up in Scotland..." I said and started crying again. „It belonged to my dad. And... well. It was beautiful. Your common room reminds me a lot of it." I caught myself thinking how nice it would be to show him one day and shoved that thought aside. "Sounds lovely" Malfoy said, still stroking my head. "And we had a dog growing up, her name was Belle. My mom thought it was funny because belle means beautiful in french, but barking in german also means bellen... she and my dad shared the same weird sense of humor. Well, Belle loved coming up to Scotland with us because she knew it would mean long walks, cozy nights and just so much more precious family time. I never had any siblings, so I was glad to have her." "It sounds like you had a lovely childhood... I like the name Belle. Maybe I'll call you Belle too" he said, trying to imitate the german sound of the word, but obviously making it sound harsher than it really is. "After all, you're always barking at me like a dog" he said, chuckling slightly. It actually caused me to smile faintly for a second. "My favorite story is probably of the day Belle ran away though. Mom and Dad were arguing, which they barely ever did. I was curled up in my bed and Belle came in to cuddle with me. She saw how sad I was and then dragged me outside. It was fall, so all the leaves had started falling down and my dad had piled them up just the day before, and Belle tried hiding in the pile of leaves. I don't know why I did it, but I ran inside and told my parents that Belle ran away and that I couldn't find her and they immediately stopped fighting to help me look for her. Eventually, she jumped out of the pile of leaves scaring the shit out of them..." I had to take a break to breathe in deeply. "For the rest of the evening we just laughed and then later went inside, sat on the couch with some hot chocolate and then I was told to get ready for bed. When I was done and came to the living room, Belle was laying on the floor in front of the fireplace sleeping and my parents were sitting on the couch just like we are right now." "You really had a loving family... I have to admit, hearing all those beautiful stories almost makes me feel slightly envious. I'm glad you had such a wonderful childhood"

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