Chapter 12: His truth

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Draco's POV:
„None of your business." I hissed at Zabini, who had asked me what's wrong with me. I just shattered the heart of the only girl I had ever truly liked because I had to, other than that my life was perfect, thank you for asking... I felt like a monster.
„Geez, no need to be nice to your friends" Zabini said and rolled his eyes. „Piss off." I growled and rushed to my room. I had the privilege of not having to share a room with anyone, thanks to my father. My oh so fatherly father. I grabbed the letter out of the inside pocket of my cloak and read it again.

Dearest Draco,

it has come to our attention that you found a liking in a certain mudblood girl. We hope that this is just a rumor, as we know we have raised you better, but if this „rumor" turns out to be true... You know how we raised you, you know what's at stake and you know the cause we're fighting for. We will not have anything stand in our way as we fight for that cause. We trust you to make wise choices. If you don't, not only you, but also your sister Helena and the mudblood girl will have to suffer the consequences. On January 2nd, we will come and visit your school to convince ourselves of the rumor.


Lucius and Narcissa

I crumbled the paper up into a ball and threw it in a corner of my room, burying my face in my hands. I had just started to accept my feelings for Y/n... Now I had to do everything to make her stay away from me. Even if it meant breaking her heart... I couldn't risk to get her hurt... or Helena. They have both been through enough.

Y/n's POV:
„Y/n please talk to us, what's going on?" Hermione asked. She and Ginny had taken a seat on my bed, each on one side of me. „We're her for you, no matter what!" Ginny promised. „You wouldn't understand..." I sniffled through teary eyes. God, I hated myself for this. For the fact that I liked him. That I thought he liked me. That I let him touch me in a way that I have never been touched before... obviously I hadn't told him I was a virgin, and now I was happy I hadn't told him. Even though I was sad to think the man who had taken my virginity seemed to hate me.
„Try us!" Ginny said and took my hands. „We'll listen.". I sighed and looked up to the ceiling. „Promise you won't judge me?" I asked. „We promise!" Hermione said. "Ok so... it's Malfoy..." Hermione's and Ginny's eyes widened, but they stayed quiet. "We've kinda... I don't know. After the thing with Dimitri, him and I kissed and later... well uhm" I nervously scratched the back of my head. "And later we And I don't know, I was starting to really like him, otherwise I would have never done it with him, and I thought he liked me too, but this morning, when I saw him he just... he seemed so cold. Like he hated me. And he basically said he just used me for sex and I... it hurts." I whispered the last words. "Please don't tell the boys." I added. „Oh Y/n, we won't, we promise!" Ginny said and pulled me into a hug. „Malfoy is a dick, he doesn't deserve someone as good as you!" Hermione said. „Thank you girls... it means a lot to me." I thanked them.


As the weeks went by, and Harry managed to do well at the second task, Draco was as cold as ever, if possible even worse than before our punishment. I on the other hand, didn't have the energy to clap back, but I didn't really have to. Over the course of the next few months, Draco stayed away from me as much as possible and only talked to me when he really had to. It was horrible... but what did I expect? One day, all this changed though.

„Hey, Y/n!" Zabini said after dinner and waved me over to him. „Hey Blaise, to what do I owe the... pleasure of you talking to me?" I asked, truly curious as to why one of Draco's best friends would want to talk to me of all people. „Well, I was wondering... we're all going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, and I was wondering if you'd like to join me for a drink." Blaise said. „Are you asking me on a date?" I asked. I was slightly suspicious, but also both happy and sad. Happy, that a guy would want to go out with me, sad, that it wasn't Draco, but I shoved that thought aside quickly. „Looks like it! So, are you in?" „Sure! I'd love to! Thank you!" „I'll pick you up then!" „Sounds good!" I said and smiled. „I should head back to my friends now... see you tomorrow!" I said and waved him goodbye. Ginny and Hermione were still waiting for me a few meters back and when I told them, Ginny was excited, while Hermione thought Blaise was being suspicious. „He's Draco's best friend! Don't you think it's a little fishy?" Hermione asked. „Oh come on, cheer up! I'm sure they'll have fun!" Ginny said. „If you say so..." but Hermione didn't seem quite convinced. I silently agreed with Hermione, but kept my doubts to myself. I wanted to give Blaise a chance, so that's what I did. The next day, sometime after lunch, Blaise and I met up at the Three Broomsticks.
„You look lovely Y/n!" Blaise greeted me and offered me his arm. „Thank you, you don't look bad yourself!" I said and grabbed ahold of his arm. Then we entered. Blaise seemed to look around for a bit, until he found a good spot that was located at the center of the seating area. After we both ordered Butterbeer, we finally started talking. „So Blaise, why did you ask me to come here?" I asked pretty straight forward. „I wanted to take you out on a date!" he said, even more straight forward. „I know we don't know each other very well, but from the little time you spent in the Slytherin common room, I gathered that you're a nice person, so I thought I'd just go ahead and ask you! My parents would probably kill me if they found out, since you're a Gryffindor, but I don't care. You seem worth it." Blaise chuckled and grabbed a handful of peanuts out of the bowl from the table. „Didn't you JUST have lunch?" I asked and chuckled. „Well, I did, but you have to know... I'm on a seafood diet! I see food, I eat it!" Blaise said and I started laughing. „That must be the dumbest joke I have ever heard!" I responded while still laughing. „But if that get's you laughing already, you should see what else I've got in stock! See... I tried to be normal once... worst two minutes of my life!" Blaise replied. We continued talking and he cracked a joke every now and then, causing me to burst out laughing, when eventually, he took my hand. „You're so pretty Y/n..." he whispered and used his other hand to put a strand of hair behind my ear. Then he started counting backwards in a quiet voice „Three..." „Get your hands off of her!" A voice hissed from behind me. I turned around to find Draco staring at Blaise angrily. The latter just batted his eyelashed and looked up at Draco innocently. „Why, do you have a problem with this?" he asked with a hint of provocation in his voice and laid one his hands on my cheek, when Draco grabbed Blaise by the collar. Blaise let go off me, but started to laugh incontrollably. „Let him go, Draco!" I yelled, unsure of what to do. „Maybe the two of you should talk, Draco" Blaise pressed out while still laughing. „What do you mean Blaise?" I asked. Draco sighed and let go of his friend, who had now calmed down. „Look, you'll both probably hate me for this, and before you do, it was Pansy's idea, but... I'm sorry Y/n, the point of this date was to make Draco jealous so he would finally talk to you." Blaise explained. I scoffed „I can't believe it! I... ugh, I don't have anything to tell that idiot." I said, turned around and walked up towards the entrance. „Y/n!" I heard Draco's desperate voice. When I turned back around, he was standing right by me. „Please, let me explain a few things... you can continue to hate me after that, ok? Please!" Draco asked, no begged, with pleading eyes. „Fine." I whispered. „Thank you." he said and then lead me to a bench a little outside of Hogsmeade so we wouldn't be bothered by the other students.

„Talk, what do you want?" I asked. Draco sighed and looked up to the sky, then down to his feet and then he pulled out two envelopes out of his cloak. And then he started talking. „First of all, thank you for letting me talk to you even though I behaved like the last idiot. And secondly: You can't imagine how sorry I am for how I acted. I know there are no excuses, just know that I didn't mean any of the words I said after we... I had to protect you." I scoffed. „Protect me? By breaking my heart? Great..." „Read this. It's a letter my parents had sent me that morning." Draco said and held out one of the two envelopes {Author's note: If you want to read the letter again, scroll up:)}. I took out the letter and read it.
„Draco, what does all this mean? What cause? And... you have a sister? What does she have to do with this and would it be such a problem to them if we were a thing?" The questions bubbled out of me. Now it was Draco who sighed. „Look, this might scare you off, but... I have to be honest with you. My parents are... well, the cause they're fighting for is You-Know-Who and they don't want us to be a thing because you're muggle born...and, well... Helena is...was my twin sister." Draco whispered the last words. „She was a squib. When we were kids, I started showing first signs of magic, while she didn't. My dad was ready to give her up for adoption or just sit her on the street, but my mother convinced him to at least wait until the Hogwarts letters were sent out. She was hoping that her magical skills were just... delayed. Well, We turned 11, my letter came, her's didn't my dad was furious, embarrassed, ashamed... he didn't want to be associated with her. But since especially my mom knew how much I loved my sister, they kept her. But for my father, she was rather an object to pressure me into doing things I wouldn't do otherwise, while my mom still loved her. But she would never speak up to my father... my mom never dares to do so... and well... a few days ago..." I noticed Draco had to fight back tears when he handed me the second envelope „a few days ago, I received this letter."

Dear Son,

Our savior is near, our fighting will be heard. You know well that nothing can stand in the way of our goals and our reputation. That being said, your sister Helena has fulfilled her fait and now lays in a far away cemetery under a false name. We do not wish for you to find out where she is buried. Should you still attempt to do so, consequences will follow. Our fighting will be over soon, for our goal is met soon. Prepare.


Lucius and Narcissa

I put my hands down and stared at the letter in disbelief. Draco's parents had killed his twin sister, purely out of embarrassment... they killed their own daughter in order to... I couldn't even believe it. I didn't care if Draco broke my heart, I pulled the boy, who had failed to suppress his tears, into a tight embrace. Now it was on me to cheer him up. „I'm so incredibly sorry Draco. Helena didn't deserve this... and you don't deserve to have to suffer like this." I whispered in his hair while he was sobbing against my shoulder. „I loved her so much..." Draco said. „I know you did." I whispered. „I just had to protect you and her, that's why I said all those things. I thought if I just... pushed you as far away as possible, you'd be the safest. But it's been tearing me apart. And now this... I'm just... I started questioning everything my parnts ever taught me... my values, my morals... God, I hate myself so much for not being there for Helena. And for what I did to you" „Shh... Draco, It will all be ok... We will get through this." Draco looked up to me, right into my eyes.

„Together?" he asked me. I softly smiled at him and replied.


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