Chapter 8: Night Time Strolls

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„I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" I whispered and gave the map a light tab. And it worked! I saw Malfoy pacing up and down our room, students walking around the halls, professors in their office... that was so cool! Maybe I'd be able to sneak out at night, to get some alone time or visit my friends. Malfoy would never willingly spend time with them...

„Mischief managed!" I whispered and lightly tapped the map again before changing into my Pajamas. Then I tugged the map into my pants so Malfoy couldn't see it.

„Took you long enough!" Malfoy whined when I opened the door of the bathroom and charged past me. Looks like someone had to use the bathroom! Well, good for me, I was able to find a good hiding spot for the map! I decide to just put it in my pillow case. Not very creative, but it seemed safe for now.


„I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good!" I whispered yet again. It was dark outside and Draco was breathing calmly, apparently fast asleep. „Lumos minimus!" I said with a low voice and made a faint light appear on the tip of my wand. I checked the map and it seemed like nobody was in the hallway, except for Filch. But he was far enough for me to be able to sneak out and go to the astronomy tower. I grabbed a blanket, my wand and the map and made my way out, eyeing the map carefully. The coast was clear, so I made my way up to the astronomy tower. When I made it up there, I closed the map and sat down, cuddled into the blanket and just looked at the clear night sky. I wouldn't be able to stay for too long since it was freezing cold... or well, I just feel cold quickly, but as I sat there watching the stars I just thought about the things that had happened. My parents' accident, their death, Draco taking care of me like an actual human being... God, he had been so nice to me! Why? And why did it have to go back to the way it was before? I mentally slapped myself for those thoughts. I didn't like Draco, right? But it had felt nice. Him calming me down, us getting along... though I had also missed him being tough.

„Oh, hi Y/n!" A familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts, back into reality. I turned towards the source of the voice, only to... „Harry, where is the rest of your body?" I asked, shocked and a little scared. „Oh, that" Harry chuckled. „Invisibility cloak." he said and revealed the rest of him. „That's so cool!" „Yeah, it was my dad's... Anyway, I see you've used the map!" „Yes I have! You can't even imagine how thankful I am, seriously! I really just needed time to myself. Malfoy's been... well, normal." „Oh, what do you mean? I thought you two had started getting along well? He seemed so protective over you when we came to see you after you got the news of your parents" „What do you mean, he seemed protective?" „Well, you had fallen asleep and he asked us to be quiet and let you rest and everything. Told us you need time, you know? He seemed like a totally different person!" „Well... he'd been nice to me, but that I didn't know... He's kinda back to normal now though. He's maybe a tad nicer, the insults aren't back to the level they were before but I guess he was just doing as he was told. Dumbledore told him to take care of me." „Hm... still, it was odd." „Whatever" I mumbled. „How are you feeling about the first task?" I asked, trying to change the subject. While we were talking, Harry had set down next to me and I had offered him a piece of the blanket, which he had gladly accepted. „Saying I'm nervous is an understatement. I know kind of what it is about, and I've been practi-" „Hold up, what do you mean ‚You kinda know what it's about'? I thought the tasks are a secret!" I asked in surprise. „Well....Hagrid showed me. And Madame Maxime. She told Fleur, I told Cedric, and I'm sure Krum knows too... I won't tell you though because you'll just worry." „I could help you!" Harry sighed. „Hermione is already helping me." „Well, I might know spells that she doesn't!" Even though Hermione was very smart, we had mastered some spells at Schwanstein that Hogwarts wasn't even touching on until the last years. „Fine... We have to get past a dragon." „A dragon?" I asked in awe. „But... that's so dangerous! Do you have any idea on how you want to do it yet?" I asked. Harry scratched the back of his head. „Not really... Any tipps?" „Hmm... you could... well, what's something you could do..." I thought out loud. „Moody told me to play by my strengths. Whatever that means." Harry told me. His strengths... of course! „Quidditch! You're a great seeker, great on your broom! You could summon your broom..." „By using Accio! That's brilliant!" Harry exclaimed and hugged me.

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