Chapter 13: Revelations

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After what had happened to Draco's sister Helena, he decided there was no point in obeying his parents anymore. He despised them for what they did and what they mad him do. Draco and I were now officially a couple and his parents had told him there would be consequences, but not what kind. But he said he didn't mind, as long as he could be with me.

However, Draco's parents were not the only one's displaying their dislike of our relationship. „I cannot believe you would go out with that horrible, arrogant git after everything he has said and done!" Ron ranted. Harry agreed with him. „He's been trying to make my life hell from the beginning, he's not a good person!" But I told them that I didn't care. „If you don't like me being with Draco, that's not my problem! I know he was a dick, especially to you Harry, but he didn't have a choice! His parents-" „Don't use that as an excuse!" Harry said. „I guess you're just as bad of a person he is." he added silently, with a disappointed voice. „You know what? Screw you! I have been nothing but kind to you! I even helped you figuring out how to solve your stupid tasks so far. I thought we were friends!" I yelled and ran out of the common room towards the dungeon to meet with my boyfriend. I had enough of Harry and Ron being so mean to me about this.

„Hey love, what's wrong?" Draco said. From the looks of it, he had just gotten out of the Slytherin common room. „Harry and Ron." I scoffed. „They don't approve of me dating a ‚dick', ‚horrible arrogant git', ‚bad per-'" „Ok I get your point, they don't like me, I know. They have all the right reasons for that. But don't let them tear you down. If they have a problem with me, they should let it out on me, not you." Draco said and pulled me into a hug. I looked up to him and he gave me a quick kiss. „How about we go talk to them together, love?" Draco whispered and pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear. „Ok." I said, so we walked towards the Gryffindor common room, holding hands. I said the password out loud (there was no point in hiding it from Draco, he knew it anyway, so that he could sneak in at night) and we entered the common room. All the chattering died down, and Ron and Harry, who were sitting at the fireplace, now accompanied by Fred, George, Ginny and Hermione, rolled their eyes. I squeezed Draco's hand, trying to show him that he doesn't have to worry. As we walked up to the group, They all greated us nicely. Everyone but Ron and Harry. „Hello everyone!" I greated them back „Hi" Draco said and we sat down between Hermione and Fred, opposite of Ron and Harry. „Look Po-... Harry and Ron..." Draco started. „I know you don't like me much, and that's ok. I was an idiot, especially towards you two, and I'm sorry for that." Harry and Ron both pulled up an eyebrow and looked at each other as if they could barely believe what they had just heard. „But that doesn't give you a right to be an asshole to your friend. I know I don't seem like a good person, but I'm trying my best and I..." he looked down at his lap and then up at me, right into my eyes. „And I love her." he said and smiled at me. „Oh Draco" I whispered. „I love you too." I replied and then leaned in for a kiss, completely forgetting we have company. „Hem Hem..." I heard Fred clear his throat next to Draco and was immediately brought back into reality and pulled away, but grabbed Draco's hand to hold it. „God, you two are just gross..." Ron said. But then he sighed. „But cute I guess" he said and rolled his eyes. „And...?" Hermione asked Harry and Ron. „We're sorry Y/n, we shouldn't have let this out on you." Harry said. „I guess we... wanted to protect you? You're like our sister!" Ron said. „Don't worry Ron, he's taking good care of me." I said and chuckled. „Maybe now you guys could become friends!" I suggested jokingly. „Uhmm... no!" Harry and Draco both said in unison, but then they both had trouble hiding their laughter. „Ok, maybe we could try... but I swear, if my father hears about that, he'll..." „Yeah we know, if your father hears about this, we'll be sorry" Ron said and rolled his eyes, while trying to imitate Draco. „No, actually I was going to say: If my father hears about that, he'll kill me, but I'll still try my best." Draco said. This statement caused everyone in the group to go silent. „Thank you, Draco." I whispered.

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