Chapter 3: Settling in

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After the second day, which had gone just as smoothly class wise as the first, Ron decided I must be some sort of genius. "Blimey! You're even smarter than Hermione!" He exclaimed at dinner after he had asked Hermione a question she was not able to answer. "I don't think so... I just sorta have a photographic memory I guess" I said, feeling slightly uncomfortable with Ron comparing me to his best friend. Like her, I had always been top of my class, but with Schwanstein only having 25 students per year, that's not saying much.
"No, I mean it! You're a bloody genius! You know your school stuff, you're a master at wizarding chess, you're awesome at Quidditch.." he rambled on, but I interrupted him: "You haven't even seen me play! Now please just shut it Ron, will you?" I said in the most friendly way possible, and he luckily didn't take it as insulting. As we continued eating, I started wondering about something. "Hey, do you guys ever get to like, leave the castle? I mean, except for Hogsmeade and summer break?" I asked. "Yes, we're allowed to go home for Christmas usually." Harry explained. "Do you?" "No. Not me, anyways. I don't quite get along with my family all that much. They are... well, let's say proud to be 'normal muggles' and don't really like having me around much." He added. "I'm so sorry to hear that Harry! That must be quite hard for you..." "Well, I have a family here" he said and smiled at his friends. He surely did.

One night, a few days later, when we were all sitting comfortably in the common room, Hermione put a little box on the table before her, introducing S.P.E.W., the Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare. Apparently she wanted to end the slavery of elves, especially after she had seen how Bartemius Crouch, who was the Head of the Department of international magical cooperation, treated his house elf Winky. She made us buy badges engraved with the abbreviation S.P.E.W. on it in exchange for a little donation. While Ron and Harry seemed quite skeptical of Hermione's ideas, I understood both her and the boys' view on this. "Look, guys. I understand both sides here. Clearly there are people out there who are simply assholes and don't know how to properly treat a house elf, but on the other hand, there are people who treat them really well, like the house elves that worked in Schwanstein! They were funny little fellas, always in a good mood and enjoying their work. But then again, I think they got paid and had days off. I think it was 1 Galleon per week, which is not much from
Our point of view, but it mean the world to them. But one of them told me that there are houselfs who would be insulted if they were offered money so... Hermione I get that you want to help, but maybe, instead of liberating all houselfs, you should listen to them first. And don't think just because Dobby is happy the way things are for him, every house elf would be..." "That was well said!" said Ron and clapped into his hands in excitement when Hermione replied "You do have a point, I guess." I smiled at her.
"Ok guys, it was nice chatting with you, but I think I'll hit the hay. Good night!" I said as I got up from the maroon wing chair I had made myself comfortable in. It was getting really late after all. "Good night y/n!" "Sleep well!" "See you tomorrow!" The three said and I went upstairs to find the other girls already asleep. When I was about to lay down, I noticed I had forgotten my cardigan downstairs and went to go back to the common room. Harry, Hermione and Ron were still where I had left them, but now accompanied by a beautiful white owl. When I got closer in an attempt to scare them for fun, I overheard them talk about a guy named Sirius and him hiding. They weren't talking about...
All of a sudden I tripped and made a noise, causing the three to turn around and quickly hide a letter they must have been reading. "Oh dear Merlin, it's just you! Bloody hell, you scared the shit out of us!" Ron complained. "I'm sorry, I just forgot my cardigan..." I said, pointing at the chair I had been sitting in earlier. "Uhm, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but... were you talking about Sirius Black?" I whispered, careful to keep my voice down. Ron was about to say 'no' from the horrified look on his face, but Harry quickly glanced over to Hermione, who nodded and then he explained it to me. "Ron I think we can trust her." He said to his best friend. "Yes Y/n, we were talking about... Sirius. He, well he's my godfather and..." and then they explained everything. About how Ron's rat turning out to be Peter Pettigrew, about Professor Lupin, there previous DADA teacher, Pettigrew and Sirius being friends with his father, about how Pettigrew faked his own death after helping Voldemort to kill his parents, and lastly about how they had freed both Sirius and a Hippogriff called Buckbeak. "Buckbeak was sentenced to death because that stupid git Malfoy didn't treat him respectfully and went of to tell his daddy. But after we managed to free them both, Sirius escaped with Buckbeak and has been hiding ever since." He finished the explanation. "Of course it was because of Malfoy" I said, rolling my eyes. "And now, Sirius and you are writing letters? Isn't that a bit dangerous maybe?" I asked. "It could be, but we're using different owls every time and I address him by the name Snuffles. Because he's an unregistered dog animagus" "Wow, that's so cool!" I exclaimed, a little too loud. "Shhh!" Hermione said. "Careful, we don't want to wake anyone! Perhaps it would be for the best if we all went to bed now."

The next few days had been rather calm, except for a few encounters with my favorite, Draco Malfoy himself.
"Would you look at that! The superstar, the poor boy, the filthy mudbloods and Longbottom! You know, if brains were gold, you'd be even poorer than the Weasleys, and that's saying something!" He spat, laughing. "You arrogant little prick don't..." I started, but then I had an idea. I put on a nice smile and said: "Oh hello Professor Snape! I was wondering..." of course Snape wasn't behind Malfoy, but as soon as I pretended to be talking to the head of Slytherin, Malfoy's face fell and he turned around looking worried. When he realized I had been messing with him, he turned back towards me furiously and was about to say something when I asked "What, are you scared of the Head of your own House?" with a triumphant smile on my face. "I'd watch my mouth, Everton. Trust me, you'll see soon enough that you don't belong here." He sneered. I raised an eyebrow "Ok, if you say so, it must be true!" I shrugged and then left him behind as my friends and I made our way to the next class. I hadn't even noticed the tabby cat walking around the halls while Malfoy and I had our little encounters.

A few days later, October was starting to come to an end and we had been informed that the delegations of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would be arriving at Hogwarts October 30th, Professor McGonagall called me to her office and told me to come alone.
"Did you do something?" Fred asked while we were all having lunch together. "Not as far as I know" I said and shrugged my shoulders. "I have no clue what she wants to talk to me about." "Did you know she's an animagus?" Ron asked. "She can turn into a tabby cat! The first day of Transfiguration Class, Harry and I were late and we thought she wasn't there yet herself because when we arrived in her classroom, there was only a tabby cat sitting on McGonagall's desk. But then she transformed back right in front of us! That was bloody impressive!" "Yeah, maybe she's been walking around the school in her cat form and found you doing something you're not supposed to!" Harry added. "Don't be ridiculous." Said Hermione. "I'm almost certain Professor McGonagall would do no such thing as use her animagus form to spy on students, let alone model students like her!" She continued, jokingly. I softly pushed my elbow to her side and told her to shut up, and everyone started laughing. "Fred, George, have you two already figured out a way to get around the age barrier Dumbledore is enforcing?" I asked the twins, trying to change the topic. "Oh we sure have thought of a few things! You'll see when it comes to it though, we wouldn't want to share our secrets with you!" George said. "Trust me, I wouldn't want to participate anyway. I've read some craaazy things about it. So thank you, but no thank you." I said. "You READ about the tournament?" Asked Ron. "No wonder you're such good friends with Hermione! I've heard of that big library in London! I bet the two of them secretly sneak off there at night and apparate-" "You can't apparate to and from Hogwarts!" Hermione and I yelled in unison and then started laughing. "I read about it in..." I started. "Hogwarts: A History!" Hermione finished, causing the rest of the group to join in on the laughter. "Good lord, you're insufferable!" Ron complained, but laughed as well. "Hey guys, where's Dumbledore?" Harry asked. When we looked up to the staff table, the headmaster was missing. "Who knows, maybe he has some last minute arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament" Hermione said.

After we had all finished eating, the rest of the group made their way to the common room, while I was headed to Professor McGonagall's office to which I had been called earlier. When I knocked and entered the room, I found Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall talking to each other in lowered voices. I cleared my throat, and when they noticed me, they turned their attention towards me. "Miss Everton" Professor Dumbledore started with a soft voice. "Please dear, come and have a seat." He motioned towards a free chair in fron of them. They had also sat down. "Have some tea, dear." Professor McGonagall offered and gave me a cup of steaming black tea. "Thank you" I said. As friendly as they were, I was starting to get worried.
"Professors... may I ask why I was asked to come here? I know you're being nice, but did something... happen?" I asked fumbling nervously with the cup of tea I had been given. Professor McGonagall sighed. "Did something happen to my parents?" I asked, now completely horrified of what might follow. I was praying for them to be ok, but it seems like fate wanted other things than me.

"Yes, Y/n." Professor Dumbledore said with a serious voice. "There's been an accident."

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