Chapter 9: Preparing for the Dance

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„Come on Malfoy, hurry up or we'll be late!" I yelled. Malfoy was taking FOREVER in the bathroom and the first task was due to start in half an hour. „Aren't your... friends... saving seats for us?" Malfoy asked through the bathroom door spitting the word friends. It had been a week since we had gone to the Astronomy Tower and ever since that, the dynamic between us had gotten really weird. Draco was acting distant, but usually a little friendlier than before. Obviously still arrogant, but something still seemed different. He hadn't even complained when I had asked him if we could sit with my friends at the first task instead of his, because the thought of sitting between a bunch of Slytherins as a muggle born made me really uncomfortable. „Yes they are but that doesn't mean I don't want to see the beginning, so hurry up or I'll blow up this door!" „Alright calm down I'm almost done! You can wait in the hall if you want." „Ugh, fine. One minute!"


„What took you so bloody long?" Ron asked when we finally arrived at the venue. We had to stop twice on the way because Malfoy had to go to the bathroom. „Because someone either has the bladder of a little girl or diarrhea!" I complained rolling my eyes. Then I Smirked at Malfoy, who looked furious. „I had my reasons, ok? And they are none of your business!" Whatever... our attention turned towards the center, when the first champion was announced. They all did well, until it was Harry's turn. „He has the Hungarian Horntail out of all dragons?" I asked. I was slightly worried, but I knew he could do it if he managed to summon his broom. „He'll be toast" Malfoy joke. „Ha ha very funny. Because of the fire... I get it... Ron you are not seriously laughing at this, Harry is your best friend!" I said. „She's right, Ron get it together!" Hermione supported my point and slapped Ron on his arms to make him stop chuckling. Malfoy had a triumphant smile on his face, but as soon as he saw I noticed, he straightened his face and put on a neutral expression.

Harry was doing quite well and managed to „Accio Firebolt!" summon his broom to maneuver his way out of the Horntail's range and grabbed the Golden Egg at last. Cheering broke out everywhere, even Malfoy clapped politely. But he rolled his eyes and looked a little annoyed. I decided not to question it, since I didn't want to make the last week we had to spend together even worse than it already was.

A day later, we read the stupidest article in the Daily Prophet. „This Rita Skeeter lady shouldn't ever be allowed near you guys ever again!" Hermione said angrily. „This is bollocks! I mean, look at this!" She complained, tossing the Prophet away. She had been mentioned and made part of a love triangle that never existed. That Skeeter woman took things out of context and bent reality to make it fit whatever weird things was going on inside her head. Naturally, Malfoy found it funny. „At least it's not boring." he chuckled. „NOT BORING?! This is ruining his reputation, stripping his credibility! You complete moron!" Hermione was ready to go on, but I told her to stop. „Mione, stop it, please. You know how he is. Just... ignore him." „Yeah sure, ignore me" Malfoy said and rolled his eyes.

**5 days later**

„Well, that's it. That was... an interesting month." I said. We were waiting in front of the room we had shared for the past month because Professor Dumbledore said he would like to see us first to see if it all worked out. „Interesting is one way to put it." Malfoy said quietly. Then I heard footsteps and Professor Dumbledore appeared around the corner.

„Miss Everton, Mister Malfoy! I'm glad to see you two haven't... well, that you're all up and well! Any hiccups?" „No, Professor." I said. Which was true. Malfoy and I weren't friends, but the arguments and quarrels we got in now weren't nearly as bad the ones before our little punishment started. „Well then... I think the two of you both have roommates waiting for you to return!" Dumbledore announced. I smiled. I had really missed hanging out with Hermione. And I didn't mind having the other girls around either. „Thank you, Professor Dumbledore!" I said and smiled at him. „Good bye!" I said, making my way back to the Gryffindor common room. My home.

„You're back!" „Finally!" „We missed you so, so much!" Ron, Harry and Hermione welcomed me in the common room. The Weasley twins held their hands up in high fives „The damsel is free!" they said in unison and I laughed. „Hi everyone! I'm so glad to be back" I said. „Ugh me too! Can you believe it? I had nobody to talk to while you were gone!" Hermione said. „What about us?" Ron complained. „About GIRL stuff Ronald!" „Ok then, what about Ginny?" „She's too young!" While the two of them started arguing, I sat down next to Harry. „I'm sorry that's the first thing you see getting back here. They've been arguing a lot lately, especially after McGonagall announced the Yule Ball." I had completely forgotten about the Yule Ball! „Maybe it's for the better if I take Hermione somewhere else so we can talk a little. And you take Ron. Let them help cool down a little." I said to Harry. Then I got up from the couch and told Hermione to come with me. „Let's go the library hun" I said and pulled her with me, despite her protests.

„I wasn't done with him!" Hermione complained. We had taken a seat in the corner of the library so we wouldn't bother too many people with our talking. „Hermione what's going on with the two of you? I thought you guys like each other, Harry told me you've been basically ripping each other's head off!" Hermione sighed and said: „Well... ugh I was hoping he would ask me to the Yule Ball, but he's not even thinking about it! And I... oh, hi Victor!" she said with a smile and waved at someone behind me. I turned around to see Viktor Krum and a friend of his. „Hello Hermione! And Y/n!" Viktor said with a thick accent. „Where is your blonde friend?" Viktor asked me. „Huh?" „The one you has been with you all the time" „Ohh! Malfoy is NOT my friend. We... had to hang out as a punishment." Viktor's eyes widened. „What did you do?" „Uhm..." „She punched him right into his ugly face because he's been insulting all of us and calling her a mudblood!" Hermione explained. The guy next to Viktor grinned, and Viktor gave me an approving look. „Well, that's good that he's not your friend! We, as in me and my friend Dimitri, came here because we wanted to ask you two something." Viktor said. He now looked a little nervous. His friend stepped towards me, while Viktor walked up to Hermione.

„Would you like to go the Yule Ball with us?" they asked. I quickly glanced over to Hermione, who smiled from one ear to the other. „We would love to!" she replied for both of us and I nodded. The boys smiled at us. „Well, will see you around then!" they said and left as quickly as they had appeared.

„Can you believe it!" Hermione exclaimed. „We just got asked to the Yule Ball!" Hermione was super excited, but I had some doubts. „But I don't even know Dimitri... I know you've been hanging around with Viktor, but Dimitri?" I asked. „Viktor told me Dimitri is his best friend, I'm sure he's a good guy. I've been talking to Viktor a lot and I trust that he's not sending serial killers after my friends." Hermione joked. I sighed. „Ok... but is Viktor really who you want to go with?" I asked, knowing she was probably secretly hoping gor Ron to ask her. „I... I'm happy he asked me, so I'm going with him." That didn't really answer my question, but ok. If that's how she wants to do this....


„Shut up Zabini! Why would I ask her of all people to go to the Yule Ball with me?" I asked. „I don't know, maybe because you secretly like her??" I snorted. „That's bullshit." „You took care of her as if you do though! I saw it with m own fucking eyes. Even Potter and his gang saw it!" „Fuck off Zabini, I'm serious. I'm not asking Y/n to the Ball!" „HA! You called her by her first name! You don't even call ME by my first name most of the times and we're friends!" „Merlin, I really had enough of you Zabini" I hissed and got up to go to the library. Maybe I could find a book to take my mind off. That was until I heard her.

„Keep lying to me and you might eventually believe it yourself, Hermione." Y/n said. I was hiding behind the shelves so the wouldn't hear me and started listening to her voice. Admittedly, a beautiful voice. „And if you keep denying it, just the way Ron does, you'll just keep arguing. Do you want that??" „No." Granger whispered. Were they talking about that squirrel and Weasleby? „But I'm still happy Viktor asked me. We get along so well and we've been talking a lot. Ron on the other hand... he hasn't even THOUGHT about asking me! He's been complaining right to my face that he doesn't find anyone he could ask. Right to my face! But it's fine. I'm going with Viktor, you're going with Dimitri. It's all good." I clenched my fists. Who the fuck is Dimitri?! „Yeah, well... I guess." „Well you don't seem so happy about it? Where YOU hoping someone else would ask you?" „" I knew she was lying. „You're lying. You wanted Malfoy to ask you, didn't you?" My cheeks started burning up. „No! Why would you think that?!"

I decided I had heard enough and made my way out of the library back to my room. Whoever that Dimitri guy was, I already felt hate for him.

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