Chapter 2: The First Day

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A few hours later I was laying in my bed in a room that I was sharing with Hermione Granger and two other girls named Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, who also seemed to be really nice, but a tad to gossipy for my liking. The girls were already asleep, but I was tossing around in my bed staring at the maroon canopy. Today was quite a lot... leaving my parents behind at their new London home which I was barely able to call my own home yet, coming here, being sorted, the triwizard tournament, that guy with his stupid platinum blonde hair and his even stupider attitude that actually hurt me... while laying in my bed thinking, I could still not get over how rude he was even though I had never even said a fucking word to that idiot. Ugh...
„Can't sleep either?" I heard a whisper from Hermione's bed. „Yeah... I just... today was a lot, you know? I mean at least it wasn't my first year of any wizarding school, but still. My parents just moved London, and I was barely able to call their new house a home, before I had to leave to go here. And then all this new information, the huge amount of people here, the sorting, the announcement of that Triwizard Tournament and..." but I fell silent. „Does it bother you what Malfoy said?" Hermione asked. „I guess... In Schwanstein nobody cared about it and here? I come here and one of the first students I meet calls me filthy scum." „I know how you feel. I'm  muggle born too and he's been picking on me ever since he met me... Just try not to pay too much attention to him. For me, it helped having such great friends as Harry and Ron. And we're here to help you too! That is, if you want us to be your friends." She said. I smiled. „Of course I do! Thank you Hermione. You can't believe how much I appreciate it!" I said, but then a sudden yawn overcame me. „Looks like talking about it helped!" I said and chuckled quietly. „Good Night Hermione. And Thank you again!" „No problem. Good night to you too, Y/n."


After a dreamless night of sleep, I woke up to my first day of classes. „Excited for your first actual day?" Hermione asked me on our way to Defense against the dark arts, which had always been my favorite at Schwanstein. „Yeah, but actually, I'm even a bit nervous... what if you guys are super far ahead of us?" I said. „I'm sure you'll do fine" Ron said. „We had a new teacher for Defense against the Dark Arts every year, it's all been bloody messy." „Hm ok... we'll see" I said. „Oh by the way, which electives did you choose?" Hermione asked. „Well, in Germany we only had Care of Magical creatures and Divination, so I had to continue those two. But I heard your Divination teacher is rather... eccentric." „You have no idea, she's bloody mad!" Ron said. „Yeah, she's been predicting my death ever since the first lesson" Harry added, shaking his head. „She's so crazy that Hermione dropped the class." A boy from behind us, who had earlier introduced himself as Dean Thomas, said. „Don't look at me like that, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!" Hermione stated with a serious voice, but after that everyone broke out into a loud laughter.

The first lesson of Defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts turned out to cover a topic we had already covered at Schwanstein: The three unforgivable curses. Unlike my old school, this one deemed it ok though, to practice the spells on students.
„Everton, it's your turn now!" Professor Moody bellowed, after Harry just had come pretty close to close to beating the Imperius curse. I gulped nervously and stood up to walk to the front. I took a deep breath in and was about to say „Ready" when Moody already hit me with the curse. I still had my eyes closed, but I opened them with determination and heard everyone gasp and look at me in surprise, Ron even exclaimed „Bloody Hell!", as I didn't twitch a muscle, even though I heard the tiny whisper of a voice telling me to pretend I'm a chicken. I turned around to face Professor Moody, surprised at my own self control, to find him looking at me with a mix of shock, admiration and content. I closed my eyes, concentrated and managed to banish the whispers completely. „I have to say... I'm... wow... that was quite impressive. Look at her, you lot! She beat it, it didn't even seem to effect her! Now, Everton, did you feel anything?" Professor Moody asked. „I, well... I heard a whisper telling me to pretend I'm a chicken, but I just ignored it and shook it off..." I said. „Impressive, very impressive..." Moody mumbled. „You may sit now."
As I turned around to get back to my seat, I noticed that everyone was still staring at me. When I sat down next to Hermione and Harry, I asked quietly „Why is everyone staring at me?" „Your eyes started glowing!" Ron blurted out. I chuckled. „Oh, that. They do that sometimes." I said. „They what? Did you just say ‚They do that sometimes' like it's the normalest thing in the world??" Harry asked, but kept his voice down in order not to be caught. „Hm... I wonder..." Hermione started, but seemed like she lost her words while sinking deep into thought. „What do you mean, they sometimes do that?" Ron asked. I shrugged my shoulders. „I don't know, they just do." „It was bloody awesome! But also a bit creepy" he said.
„Do you kids have any comment on my class?" Professor Moody interfered. I shook my head. „I'm sorry Professor." „See, that's what I'm telling you, kids." Moody said, facing everyone. „Vigilance. Constant vigilance!"

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