Chapter 0 | Scuttled

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This is the only chapter that is strictly Narration


1919 June 21, Around 10:00 a.m. on 21 June 1919, Commander of the Surrendered Remains of the German Naval Power, Reuter sent a flag signal ordering the fleet of 74 Ships of all different class of ship to stand by for the signal to scuttle, these ships under his command are ships destined to be seized and taken control of by Azur Lane as part of the war ending treaty to WWI! Having captured news that his fleet would be subject to this, he leads his ships today out under the cover idea of a training act, when in reality it was to commence the mass scuttling of 74 Iron Blood ships! During this time period in the world, only 4 Azured Style/Living Humanized Ships existed, and Wisdom Cube tec was a relatively new and misunderstood power in the world. Of the countries with these ships the Iron Blood/German Empire had but one, and this one was SMS Bayern! A Battleship AKA Super Dreadnought as they called them back then. This ship was unlike any Azured ship before creation, and since after as this ship was no Her, but instead him, indeed, this ship was male in origin, this feet was at the time not yet respected as special, nor known to be so rare of its kind till years beyond this fateful day.

At about 11:20 the flag signal was sent! Origins from the Commander of the entire fleet of 74! With this act, there was no going back, and the scuttling of these German ships begun, this included the scuttling of the fateful SMS Bayern, On this day 52 of the 74 ships successfully sunk, the rest being towed to the coast for beaching, and others being unable to successfully sink and having the fate that was intended for them found, and only delayed. Amongst the 52 to had sunk, SMS Bayern was amongst one of them. Bellow the waters of Scapa Flow he laid, waiting for the release of death to find him, but as ships later azured after him would teach the world around them, Ships like them are uncapable of death by sinking, they simply remain beneath the waves, waiting, quietly for the day they are retrieved by a Azured Submarine, or rescued by low tied from there unending torture of empty wait! Bayern unknowingly awaits...

Till on the day of December 7th, 1941, an underwater Siren ship sneaking around Royal Naval ports in attempt to gather well needed information on the fleets of Azured Ships amongst the royal navy! The siren spots the Rusted and tattered old-World War One ship! The Ship spots her as it approached him.

Till on the day of December 7th, 1941, an underwater Siren ship sneaking around Royal Naval ports in attempt to gather well needed information on the fleets of Azured Ships amongst the royal navy! The siren spots the Rusted and tattered old-World ...

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Despite being unfamiliar with the siren vessel approaching him! He was none the less aware of its being and what the sirens represent. A force of vessels that was only small in numbers back in his time, and yet were so powerful that it required the joint force of all 4 existing azured ship to extinguish them and protect humanity! Despite being beneath the water for so long, the old ship had one salvo loaded, he had one shot before his guns would forever become eternally silenced by the ocean around. The siren reaches out with a yellow and grey wisdom cube that which glowed and gave of an evil mystical aura. Unwilling to allow himself into the hands of humanities biggest enemy and much rather capture by Azur Lane, he fired his 4-twin barreled 380mm (38cm) guns directly below him, 16 secondary guns all of which being 150mm guns (15cm) and his two 88mm (8.8cm) anti-aircraft weapons beneath him. The forces of all these weapons recoil and the after explosion erupting beneath him launched the old ship violently towards the surface of the oceans of Scapa Flow. The siren of course gives chase, attempting to grab ahold of his legs, trying to prevent his resurfacing. 

Above! Was a fleet of Azur Lane ships leaving Scapa Flow, amongst this fleet is Javelin and her sleepy Eagle Union Friend Laffey. Their mission was to safely escort goods from Scapa flow to the manmade Azur Lane Base out in the ocean between Eagle union, Iron Blood, and the Royal Navy for restock on goods. Javelin notices a large barrage of bubbles building up on her port side and points it out to her friend, who finds it strange. Then the water suddenly bursts with a yellow muzzle flash, at first, they fear an iron blood U-boat had begun a attack on them with in the harbor. Then seconds later a large moss covered, rusty ship bursts from beneath the waves, with its guns aimed directly below it. Bayern takes in a large breath of air, with it his body fills with air and allows him to float, but more importantly reload his guns!

Despite the rusty unkept nature of his ammunition, he manages to reload his guns almost instantly upon exiting the water! The Siren bursts from under the ocean! Revealing itself to the two on looking ships, moments away from attaching that cube to the old war ship! But with a blast of his main guns, sending the siren thundering back beneath the waves! Destroying the cube. The two Azur ship can't believe their eyes as they stare on at a clearly male battleship, seemed to simply appear from the literal ocean blue! Before they can approach the ship or identify its origins, the ship falls over unable to prevent itself from flooding with water, having been filled with holes during its scuttling so many years ago... and with the added rust taking its effect, the ship begins to slip back beneath. with hast the two Azur Lane ship race to the ships aid, grabbing onto him, radioing back to command they are ordered to tow him back to main base of Azur Lane along with the Goods for questioning, identification, and other practices!

!This, is where his story will begin!

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