Chapter 1 | Tipped Off (Original)

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This chapter will be shorter than the rest, so expect far larger chapter from here forward

---SMS Bayern---

I jolt awake from a horrible nightmare involving myself being captured by the sirens! Lunging forwards atop the bed as I sit up! I gasp out in shock and horror, feeling my chest to find It was all a dream. I feel along my chest to my gut, and back up to my face finding myself dry. Feeling the air around me. Observing my surroundings with puzzling disbelief I find a cover over my torso to my toes, and my bottom atop a bed of sorts, a room filled with furniture! I glance to my left seeing this great big window shining light into the space with in. I glance next to the window spotting my clothes all neatly stacked atop a desk, down to my boxers. I lift the cover off my torso finding I was naked... I raise my arm and smell my pits finding I didn't smell of the sea... leading me to believe someone had taken upon themselves to strip me and clean me!? How kind of them, yet... discomforting so to speak. I step out of the bed feeling my feet touch the ground for the first time feeling solid wood flooring, instead of the sticky mud, sand, and clay of the seafloor. I stand and walk towards the desk, retrieving my freshly cleaned fatigues. I dress myself, and do so slowly, taking my time having been in no rush. Noticing a mirror to my left, I take a long look at myself in it, finding I'd grown up quite a bit! Last I saw myself I was but a small individual... far younger at that, you could even call me a child... But now I look like an adult how long was I beneath the sea I ponder, as I adjust my tie gazing away from myself.

Pleased with my appearance, I turn, reaching the door and exiting the room. Upon exiting I find women walking along the hallways. I look to each end of the hallway, reading a sign on the end attached to the wall reads docks. I realize I'm not attached to my ship, meaning my ship has been separated from me. I desire to find it, and lay eyes on it above the seas! I head that direction. Walking through doors to the outside of the building, I spot the distant docks a likely mile out down a pathway leading to it. I admire the scenery as I make way towards the docks. As I arrive in the docks, I find that many different ships of many different sizes weigh anker here. Nearly none reside in the docking slots, in fact only one ship resides with the docking slots. This highly rusty ship, from top to bottom, the ship is rusty, and moss covered, and hole stricken. The name Plack hangs off one rusty bolt the name is barely readable. "SMS Bayern" I take note that my ship is inside a dry dock, hoisted over top the actual waters to prevent sinking and allow for repairs. I take more notice to all the people working sanding down the rust, and others cleaning the moss, and some even welding and repairing the holes along the hull. Atop the decks, the decorative wood is being ripped up, and replaced with dark stained Oak. I notice a flag poles to my direct left, observing them I see an Eagle union flag, and a Royal Navy flag, amongst Norther Parliament...

"We must Scuttle our ships before Azur Lane can obtain them! The Iron Blood fleet must retain its honor!!! ALL SHIP LOWER YOUR FLAGS AND BEGIN SCUTTLING AT ONCE!" The echoes of my commander fill the space in my mind as the Azur Lane nations flags flutter in the wind. I stare out to my ship's flagpole, the half lowered and tattered Iron Blood/German Empire flag, covered in teers, and holes, flaps in the wind as it's slowly lowered further down by a repair worker, who raises the Azur Lane Flag to the top as he brought back down the other. I had no words to be spoken on the ordeal unfolding. My capture was only delayed... whilst my fellow ships sunk and remain so from which I came. I let out a deep exhale of an array of emotions. Glancing out towards the opposite side of the docks I see an Aircraft carrier covered in scorch marks, being repaired in a larger dry-docking slot. I spot a Plack along its super structure despite how chard it was, I could make out the name. "USS Yorktown" That warship is heavily damaged, why are they reverting workers towards my ship's repairs? I'm not one of their own ships after all, I'd expect them to prioritize their own over a captured ship of all things. Allas, I will not make a fuss about things, the idea of returning to action on the open sea's once more was a far more lovely idea, as compared to being beneath the waves of Scapa Flow for even a second longer! However, the idea of doing so under the Azur Lane flag wasn't exactly my idea of acceptable standards... I'll have to come up with a way to slip away and return to my home when the time and chance presents itself. Though for now I must wait patiently.

"You should really assist them with your repairs, you don't want to be here when we strike them" A hushed female voice informs me, stepping beside me, she is shorter by a full foot, and covering her face with a hooded cloak. She speaks in Japanese, as a ship I was taught all national language to properly communicate through any part of the ocean in the world. With any friend or foe, I'd come across. That said, I'm fluent in almost every language. I do little but glance her way for a moment to see her concealment choice in clothing. "The Sakura Empire is going to strike at Azur Lane? Why would they wake a sleeping giant like Azur Lane? The great War should have ended all existing and future wars, right?!" I think to myself puzzled with the need to strike such a large beast. But more so I'm filled with need to know why a Japanese ship who's clearly a spy, would be warning me with this kind of sensitive information! "You realize I'm a Iron blood/German Empire ship, no? Not a Sakura Empire vessel." I remind her, she nods once. 

"I understand you've been under the sea for quite a while now, so I suppose you'd have no way of knowing, Iron Blood and Sakura empire have formed an alliance called the Red Axis. We intend to fight Azur Lane to take domination over the sea's, my understanding is your country intends to correct the failures it faced in the great war using reverse engineered siren tec, and mine... well let's just keep my nation's objectives a secret for now." She explains to me. "Siren's swimming through the oceans, nations weaponizing siren tec for their own strength, Two Alliances fight each other again for domination over the ocean. This sounds like the great war repeating itself to me." I state with a hushed tone. "My Nation believes if we can strike a heavy enough blow to the Azur Lane Navy in one battle, we can knock out the ability for Azur Lane to stand up to us, along with shattering their moral! They'll give up before the war ever builds steam." She expresses her national belief on the upcoming attack. "You have 4 days before we strike, any ship in the harbor will be struck without discrimination. You included if you remain here. You should repair and use our strike as distraction to slip away and return home." She states, with that she turns, walking away.

"I feel like all those lives lost in the great war, all the wars waged, and acts where for nothing at all, seeing as the war was supposed to end future wars with it, and instead it's seemed to spark yet another because of it! I don't like where things are going, not one bit." I think to myself watching as the girl left the docks. I've got a decision to make here, do I warn Azur Lane or allow it to happen? Would I be turning against my own nation in giving warning? I should, really just focus on my ship for now, and give myself time to think.

---End Of Chapter 1---

AUTHOR Here! Just wanted to inform you that this story is in fact... Dead... Not updating it. Also it was my second ever Azur Lane story! Had no idea what I was doing, and just winged it. As such it turned out rather bad after Chapter 10 everything fell apart... Naturally I took multiple crack shots at Azur Lane stories! An the ones that recommend you move over to for a quality story worthy of reading! Is my story named The Shackles Of Affection. Consider giving it a read if you find the quality or plot of Iron Wolf is repetative or half assed which it is. Now by no means am I saying Shackles is a perfect story. Just in comparison it's far far higher on the quality standards department :D

 Just in comparison it's far far higher on the quality standards department :D

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