Chapter 5 | The Lifted Curse

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---Bayern Dream/Vision---

The world around me falls into a sudden darkness, empty, motionless, senseless, feelingless, temperature less, darkness! It feels like eternity awaits me, till the light begins to fill the darkness around me. My eyes sting at the intensity of this newfound light! Someone's small hands grab at my sleeves, tugging on them for my attention. It catches me by surprise, looking down, and at my side I find a little girl with animal ears on her head, purple eyes, and a clearly Japanese outfit colored with red and dark purple. She looks shy and scared, but fearless enough to had approached me. I give the little girl who was likely 3 or 4 a friendly, and harmless smile. "M-Mister... W-Why did you kill Aunt Akagi, and Aunt Kaga?" She asks with a sniffle. I pause, I'm star struck at the question. I stare at her with a blank face, unable to answer, Did I manage to kill those two carriers? 

"Y-Your a monster!" She booms giving me no time to speak, turning tail she sprints away, I notice she had multiple literal tails attached to her. She runs into the light and vanishes into sparkles of dust. "I know what you are pondering Bayern, and no, you didn't kill them, she's just overreacting, you know how kids can be." This distinctively mature voice of a woman speaks from behind. I turn halfway to face to a degree. She looked exactly like that little girl, but an adult. "What is this place?" I ask, looking around the emptiness of this lit space. "I've never been quite sure what to call it, but I do know I created it when I died" She states holding a finger to her chin. "I'm unsure what I should truly call this space" She continues. I lower my eyes back onto her and express a moment of interest.


"When you died? Does that mean I'm dead as well?" I ask, putting two and two together, she closes her eyes, while shaking her head

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"When you died? Does that mean I'm dead as well?" I ask, putting two and two together, she closes her eyes, while shaking her head. "No, just me" She answers, walking slowly and elegantly towards me, the clanking of her wooden open toe footwear echoes through the space. I stand my ground as she gets up close and personal with me, reaching out she attempts to touch my cheek, I lean back a good deal glancing away from her with a gentle blush of confusion. She grabs my tie and pulls me out of my lean, and like a mother with authority as a parent puts a hand under my chin forcing me to lock eyes with her. She stared up into my eyes deeply treating me like a child. I express this awkward express and awkwardly laugh in a hushed fashion. She gives a motherly worried look as she lets go of my chin and my tie. "These crimson eyes, they don't belong to the boy you left that night Bayern" She states, speaking in a riddle I didn't understand. I blinked a few times before I looked away seeing a darkness in the room that wasn't there before, standing in it was me when I was fired Azured, with a teddy bear in my hands, my hair was the very same color as it is now... but my eyes where brown then... The little girl from earlier stands behind my young toddler self as if using him as her protection. 

"But he's still in there somewhere, trapped inside the prison of those crimson eyes, waiting to come back. Why do you hold him back in the cages?" She asks me, I think back to the horrors I experienced as I grew older and had to fight the sirens. I close my eyes and feel indifferent about the claims. "That's where you're wrong, that side of me died when my friends died" I admit my feelings on the ordeal. She sits in silence for a while, turning she walks away and the clanking of her wooden footwear echoes once more. "Why do you dwell on the past so much Bayern?" She asks bluntly. I sit in silence unable to answer her. "They wouldn't want you to dwell you know, they knew you were a child at the time Bayern... They didn't blame you for being scared." She states, I reopen my eyes, finding my young self-gone, in his place a me that could have been. With my brown eyes stood, the same age as me with a lady in his arms, he didn't give me any attention or time of day, he chuckled and laughed staring into the womans eyes, and she giggled in his arms. They suddenly burst into glitter and sparkles, that slowly became a small flame, that grew over time. I close my eyes again, and the flames erupt into a ruthless inferno that surrounds my being. 

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