Chapter 3 | Memories

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I ask the reader to remember when siren's tempted Bismarck in the Original Lore Before moving into this chapter

---Bayern Nightmare/Memory---

Waves smash against my body threatening to drag me below, ordinates splash around me fill my ears with the whizzing and splashing of shells. A shell pierces through my 4th/Rear Main turret a gizzard of sparks and bright neon yellow flames spew 10 feet up before flames begin racing out the barrels of the turret and blow the turret clean off my rigging, my pain filled eyes watch the turret fall atop a ship that wasn't azured and filled with panicking sailors, splitting the ship apart upon landing atop it. The ship sinks so fast that no one has the time to main lifeboats, or jackets. Tears mix with blood and seeps into cuts on my face leaving a stinging sensation. I close my eyes clench my fists and bare my teeth tight! Flames remain atop my 4th/Rear Main turret's empty rigging filling me with the unending feeling of burning from the inside! Through the storm, ordinates, and chaos flares begin to fire into the sky to light up the battlefield and bring about a sense of sight! 

Up to now in the battle I'd thought everyone Azured was dead. But with this new light I spot a ship off to my right, a heavily battered, burning hulk with blown apart cannon barrels. Torn clothes, bloody figure and barely floating battleship like me. The Siren remains unspotted with in the storm, but clearly could see us, and continues to fire ordinates on our locations blindly! Over the screams and cries of terrified drowning sailors the Azured Ship speaks to me yet never looks to me. "There has to be more to life than just this for us warships... This can't be all there is? Right?" Her words stuck with me in the moment. I couldn't comment on the statement. But I felt the same, surely this wasn't all the world had to offer us! Our lives couldn't end here! Surely there was more to life out there ahead of us!

 But I felt the same, surely this wasn't all the world had to offer us! Our lives couldn't end here! Surely there was more to life out there ahead of us!

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In the darkness glowing yellow rigging illuminated the darkness beyond the flares. That dark that harbored the siren we fought! I tsk with fear being held in the front of my mind, I take aim with my guns sliding my forward mains along my arms. I step a foot back and by accident send sailors in the waters beneath the waters drowning them. I close my eyes as the illumination of light comes closer to us, fearful to face the foe. Everything grows silent, the storm stops howling through my ears, the cries and desperate screams of the drowning sailors' halts, the waters grow unnaturally still in a instant. My flames along my rear main turret extinguish. I peak open one eyes partially at the world around me finding total darkness, besides the yellow illumination. "SMS Bayern! The Experimental Azured Ship that went unknowingly wrong!" The Siren Named Purifier speaks with a distorted voice that sounded like a mix of a deep horsed female voice, and a psychotic upbeat female's voice with static in the mix of it all. I load a salvo for firing at the target but hesitate to shoot out of fear! I'm trembling in my boots and struggling to focus over all the pain I still felt over my body. 

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