Chapter 10 | It's A Girl~

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---Story Arc: Settle Down---

---6 Days Later---

---Bayern Pov---

"Come on! Come on! They'll run out if we don't hurry! Then we won't get any ice cream!!!" Little Zeppy/My little sister shouts back at me and Kaga. I chuckle, and Kaga giggles at the youngster's overly excited ways, and impatience's. We casually pick up our pace as not to let her out of our sight. "She's very different from her mother" Kaga comments, I glance to her curious. "Really? How so?" I ask, I didn't know my mother very well, well... stepmother I guess is a better word. "Well, Graf doesn't like very much, in fact, she tends to hate almost everything, not to mention almost always annoyed by something... Zeppy is the total opposite." She admits, apparently knowing my mother a bit better than I did. "Oh, I see your point" I'd seen how Graf acts, but assumed she'd just been having bad days. Approaching the Ice cream parlor, Zeppy hops and up and down, attempting to reach the door handle. We laugh a bit, as we arrive, I open the door for her, and she widens her eyes and mouth with joy! Sprinting in. I also hold the door for Kaga, as she and I once more take amusement to Zeppy's deminer. Entering the building, I found the place to be color full, with checkered tile flooring, and colorful walls, covered with many different pictures of ice cream with labeled flavors. 

"Woah!!! Big brother! Can I get this one!? Please can I!? Can I!?" Zeppy begs pointing at a colorful flavor of ice cream displayed in a clear glass display at the counter. I smile uncontrollably, and can't say no. "Of course." I answer pleasantly. Zeppy gets the attention of the worker behind the counter, whilst I get my wallet out. He notices this and stops me. "Oh, don't worry about payment, kids eat free." He admits, and I nod expressing a look of appreciation to him as I put my wallet back in my pocket. "Oh, my. What a surprise bumping into you here... is she yours?" A faintly familiar voice speaks, from behind us, Kaga seems less then amused hearing this person, but I was happily surprised, and glad to hear it, as the last time I heard it, was on the battlefield when I'd saved her... We both turn facing Prinz Eugen, finding in her arms was a toddler who looked almost exactly like a tiny version of her. "Eugen! What a surprise! No, she's my little stepsister, she wanted to get ice cream for behaving today, so we treated her." I state, she smiles softly. "Momma, who's that?" Her daughter asks pointing at me. She looks into her daughters' eyes and provides an answer. 

"That's your momma's hero, remember that story momma told you about being saved by another ship?" She states, and her daughter looks at me with aw. "OH! He's the hero!?" She cheers, and Eugen nods. I notice Kaga looking over to me, slightly losing her unamused look from before as time went on. "That's right, his name's Bayern... if it wasn't for him Mommy wouldn't be here anymore" She admits bluntly but into terms she'd understand. "Thank you for saving my mommy, Bayern!!!" Her daughter cheers looking at me with childish joy, whilst Eugen winked at me with a... Loving smile?

 Loving smile?

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