Chapter 6 | Coming Home

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(Those who've already read this chapter reread over it, I've made massive changes to the end of said Chapter)

(Sorry that the chapter is literally the most boring thing I've ever written!)

---One Week Later---

---Commander Reuter Pov---

I walk along the empty docks of (Insert German Dock Name Here). Alone I stand, exploring the abandoned WWI docks, covered corner to corner with shelled craters, rusting towers and cranes. Echoes of the distant past fill the silence. "Dad! Look! Look! Its SMS Kaiser! OH! SMS Baden too! Ahh those ships look so cool! Dad when do I get to see mine!?" Bayern when he was still a toddler shouts full of sparkling joy, so innocent, and filled with life. "Haha, Soon Bayern, soon" I laugh at his upbeat manner, it's impossible not to find some form of joy in his childish ways. He opens his mouth wide with a gasp, turns back and takes my hand, pulling me along and racing towards the edge of the dock. "Woah, calm down Bayern, where are we going?" I ask with uncertainty. "Come on hurry dad! We're going to miss Markgraf's departure! If we hurry maybe, we can signal him to sound their foghorn!" He explains himself in haste! I gently smile and follow along. Reaching the docks edge he takes out his pocket mirror and attempts to reflect light of the sun towards and away in morse code to the ship and its sailors to sound the foghorn. I watch the sailors on deck chuckle and laugh as they knew the boy well and knew how much it'd mean to him to sound simple ships horn for a time. Minutes pass and he begins to lose his smile, sadness fills Bayern's eyes as he assumes they'd ignored him. Then the horn sounds loud and proud for a full 3 seconds, then repeats in two swift off and on additions. 

Bayern's face lights up with this special look of unending spiritic spiritual joy. He looks up to me, then out to the ship three times rapidly with this open mouth smile that forced me into a pleasant mood of glee. "THEY DID IT DAD! THEY REALLY DID IT! DID YOU HEAR!?" He shouts beaming endlessly. I chuckle at his manner, and nod once as I respond. "Yes, yes I did Bayern." The sight slowly fades away to the darkness of tonight. The dock was so full of life then... now it's just a shell of its former importance. A single tear drips down my face as I finish my remembrance of Bayern... It's been 21 years to the very day since I ordered him and our fleet to scuttle to avoid British capture, or worse, scrapping. I've felt endless guilt for one ship I'd had scuttled that day, and it was someone I raised like a son to me. That ofcourse was Bayern. "D-DADDY!" My daughter Little Zeppy shouts racing after me. I open my eyes wide as little arms wrap around my leg tight. "Sweetie!? What are you doing out here? You should be in bed sleeping it's past your bedtime!" I stress looking down atop her. She looks up into my eyes and tears build up. "I- *Sniffles* I got scared! I had a Nightmare *Sniffles* and I went to your room *Sniffles* and you weren't there! *Sniffles AGAIN!* and I thought maybe that Eagle & Royal spies had... Had... *Sniffles* Had kidnapped you!" She prepares to cry.

 *Sniffles* Had kidnapped you!" She prepares to cry

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