Chapter 11 | Beginning To The End

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Haven't grammar checked the chapter yet, so if you see it reuploaded later tomorrow that's why lol


The day is May 2nd, 1941, 2 years after the birth of Kaga and Bayern's child. The child was a very adventurous and disobedient child, and often snuck away from home to watch other ships of the Sakura empire and Iron Blood perform their duties in the night, sometimes goes as far as taking to the seas to search for trouble. Often, she got in trouble when her parents awoke and found her, but today she had snuck into the Arctic Sea, an active war zone, and waters where Iron Blood vessels and Royal Navy ships battle for control over the section of sea. She'd often heard her father talk about the importance of the section of sea and how it held the key to knocking the Royal navy out of the war all together if only they could capture and hold onto the sea for a few months' time! But they find stiff resistance from the Royal Navy preventing any capture of the sea throughout the war for it, which has lasted since the beginning of 1940. During the night she arrived, and had successfully snuck out of Iron Blood Harbors, and later at dawn arrived in the Arctic Sea. 

By utter chance, Enterprise, Belfast, Hornet, Cleveland, and Prince of Wales were treading these waters to assist and secure the safety of a high value political figure of the Eagle union to Royal Navies homeland. The Young child of Kaga and Bayern wasted no time attempting to intercept these ships. Using the Guns of her fathers that which she inherited from his gens, Iron Blood 380mm and Sakura aircrafts Japanese Zeroes' that she inherited from her mother! The Eagle and Royal ships hesitated heavily, and saw that the child was just that, a child. No one truly wished to kill the child, nor sink her, especially not Belfast who saw her own child in seeing this one, it was motherly instinct to her not to hurt another's child. But the child was endangering the political figure forcing their hand. Enterprise was first to strike, starting off with warning bomb drops close to the child from her aircraft, but not close enough to hurt the child, as to hopefully scare away the child and get her to back off, but instead it antagonized her. The next step of warning was when Cleveland began firing at the child's shells midair and her own shells collided with the child's preventing her shells from causing any real danger, meanwhile hornet and enterprise's planes intercepted the child's and destroyed them one by one preventing the child's chances of air superiority. 

Everyone was getting nervous about the fact they would have to sink the child. It was quickly becoming clear to them she wasn't going to back off willingly. Just as the harsh decision was made to strike the child. A BF-109 was spotted flying towards the battlefield, it descends through the heavy stormy clouds and stays just beneath the clouds, far above the planes of Hornet, Enterprise, Or the child. Enterprise tasks Hornet to keep the kids planes at bay as she kept eyes on the plane and attempts to have her planes intercept the possible recon plane. It flew slow and had its take off flaps extended to stay in the air and appeared to be flying at stall speeds. She noticed how the plane soon began to turn towards them, and slowly circled the area. She didn't know if the plane originated from an Iron Blood carrier Vessel, or from the Iron Blood air force/land-based plane. Knowing which one it was incredibly important information to her. If it was carrier based, then an Iron Blood Fleet may be nearby. If it wasn't then it was simply a scout plane looking to intercept any enemy bombers or report enemy fleet positions and activities. Enterprise didn't take any chances, and launched her planes, having them race to the plane to strike it down. 

Upon her plane's reaching the plane's altitude, multiple roaring planes race towards the battlefield, all planes are German Land based aircraft. Four in total! Compared to the tens of planes enterprise had launched they shouldn't be hard to destroy, however these where not planes, But ME-262's Iron Blood prototype jet aircraft. The fact these planes were entering a naval engagement instead of laying low over Iron Blood territory to protect the land from British bombings told enterprise that this engagement was somewhat of a high priority for the Iron Blood. Did they know about the Political figure!? Or... Perhaps a high-ranking Iron Blood was ordering the protection of the child they had engaged with. Whatever the reason, she had a serious problem on her hands! The jet's break into groups of two, and begin their assault on her aircraft, at the same time, the BF-109 suddenly glows blue, and dives down towards the child.

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