Chapter 2 | PTSD

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---Bayern Monolog---

28 years ago, the sirens arrived over the oceans, at first no one knew exactly who they were, what they were capable of, all humanity knew was that these beings where unlike any living being we'd ever seen, nor faced prior. Capable of walking on water, creating aircraft, and weapons out of blue bright cubic items. Incredible firepower! However, few in numbers... at first, we tried to coexist with them, at least till we knew what to do with them, some attempted to channel these creatures, and make them weapons of their own, but quickly humanity found out the siren's true intended purpose, their reason of existence, and what they so desired of the world. Wanting nothing more than to dominate the oceans, force humanity out of the oceans, and beyond that eradicate all of humanity one nation at a time, ripping their navy to pieces, destroying crops, and laying siege to all those daring to fight back! They found quickly that humanity was simply no match against them and capitalized on the opportunity.

Humanity was in the middle of a war that was known as the Great War! The Allies known as Azur Lane called for a temporary truce between themselves, and the at the time Axis, later renamed the Red Axis. Combining their fleets with one another to combat the threat of the sirens. Battle After Battle they would discover more and more about Sirens, and the tec they used, later using what was learned to begin construction, and experimentation on newly built or preexisting ships in their fleet, curious to see if there was a way to make ships strong like the siren! With the eventual discovery of a science that created cubes of blue called wisdom cubes, and the experimentation with these cubes, they found a process of combining these cubes with ships which would convert them to what was later dubbed a Azured State. Humanized ships with their strengths, abilities and durability magnified intensely. Four ships became azured in the great war, I, was one of them... 

Why will always be a mystery to me! At the time of my construction into Azured form, the Siren threat had come to an all-time height in the war! Combining with the other three Azured ships as one collective fleet, we battled off the remains of the siren threat and with it the sinking of three of the four of us came about from the battles end! I- was the only ship to survive sirens wrath. We believed we'd defeated the sirens, we believed our sacrifice wouldn't be in vain, that we'd fought with a purpose to save the world from future wars... but... I know better... I know the truth. We fight in vain! We fight one war, so to make room for the next one! It's endless, and peace is always out of reach. But as a war ship, my only purpose in life is to fight, and wage war... does endless war make that my blessing? Or my curse?

 does endless war make that my blessing? Or my curse?

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---SMS Bayern Pov---

The sun rises, and stains my closed eye lids blood red, disturbing me from my slumber, I slowly grow feeling in my body, and smell the air around me. The Ocean's scent fills me, and I open my eyes, facing towards the busted window, which held the sun rise with in its grasps... I raise my head off the rotted Captains desk inside my ship. I stare out at the reflective water and all I can see is and illusion that reminds me of blood... The scent of Ocean brings reminder that humans find it to be a nice escape from land, whilst warships like me see it as our graves, our battlefield, it's nothing but pain on these waters for us beyond the docks of home. I suffer PTSD in the moment of the illusional water that reminded me of blood, Cannon fire fills my head, and I hyperventilate, the ocean scares me with the memories of the dead. Their voices fill my head, the screaming, the pain of the dead. "GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF BAYERN!" A voice shouts in the inferno and chaotic typhoon. The bloody burning ship grabbing me in the hell fills my mind. "You can do this! I'll cover you; You have to destroy that Purifier! Humanity is riding on our success Bayern!" Her voice echoes in my head.

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