Chapter 9 | Father and Son

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(Reread the end, I added a 1200 words to the story because I wanted to, this is the last time I make additions or changes to existing chapters!!!)


A message came in that Reuter would be assisting the investigation on the death of the previous Baltic commander, and his work would require him to remain in the Baltics for an extra few weeks if not a month. Armed with this information Bayern informs Graf Zeppelin that he'd like to travel to the Sakura Empire with Kaga and Akagi to experience their nations, and to be announced to her nation as her boyfriend. Not liking Kaga, she tells him he must ask the Iron Blood Flagship for permission to do this. She didn't think he'd manage to get ahold of Bismarck in the time period, but by chance she wasn't busy for the day, and he caught her by chance traveling with her sister Tirpitz enjoying sightseeing, and he received her permission along with her blessings towards the relationship with Kaga, she and her sister express up most pride in the idea of the relationship potentially strengthening the relations between the two nations further then they already were. Before Bayern and Kaga leave for the Sakura empire, she introduces him formally to her dear elder sister Akagi as her boyfriend.

Setting sail the three make way for the Sakura Empire. On the two days journey the three conversated over common topics during the first day, but the second day Akagi got very brave with her questions, asking personal questions about the two's future plans as a couple. Kaga and Bayern would normally give vague answers, or none at all. Finally, they arrive in the Sakura Empire.

---Bayern Pov---

Akagi and Kaga Leaping out the water and atop the dock, I follow them, our ships separate from us. I scan over the surroundings finding the place was colorful, and beautiful, even the trees were filled with color. "Woah, so this is the Sakura Empire? It's-" Akagi cuts me off. "Breath taking isn't it." "Yeah- It is" I admit with a clearly impressed voice. Kaga looked back at me as we all walked towards steps that lead out of the harbor and towards a nearby small town up a steep hill. She gave me a loving smile, and I smiled back with a tingle in my heart. She slows down her pace allowing Akagi ahead of us. We take one another's hand and walk up the steps. Reaching the top, we step out onto a walkway/street. Akagi looks back towards us and giggles. "Where do you two lover's want to go first?" She teases in a flirty tone, which I've became use to, she seems to just talk like that all the time. Just how she talks. Kaga opens her mouth to speak, but our attention is suddenly brought towards approaching children who sprint our direction down the hill. "Come on! If we don't hurry the bakery will run out of candy before we get there!" One leading the group shouts, one near the back waves as she runs and cheers with joy whilst the rest worry about not making it to wherever it was, they intended to reach in time. I notice one in the very back was trying to keep up and catch up with her friends.

 I notice one in the very back was trying to keep up and catch up with her friends

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