Chapter 7 | Cold Blooded

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---Story Arc: The Dead Barrens---

---KMS Roon Pov---

Walking away from my docked ship after another week of sorties complete in the Baltic's. I glance over at ships passing me by to take over my shift, Z19 and Leipzig. They both look at me with terror on their faces. "S-She's covered head to toe in... B-Blood" Z19 mumbles hushed in tone. "R-Roon, Y-You're not hurt? Are you?" Leipzig asks all shy as usual. I give her a great big smile. "Oh, no I'm wonderful, what makes you ask?" I ask her, pretending to sound all nice and cheerful like a lovely lady, with my hands together in front me and a bubbly look on my bloody face. "A-Are you sure you're oka-" She's interrupted by Z19 pulling her along towards their ships. I stare back over my shoulder as they turn their heads from me, I cut out the fake good girl look. "Roon! There you are! The commander wanted me to- OH MY GOD! What the hell happened to you! Why are you covered in blood! Wait... I-Is that your blood? Or someone else's!?" A sailor approaches me carrying documents in a folder. Once again, I fake a smile and face him with a lovely voice. "Oh, it's not mine. You can assume how troublesome Northern Parliament convoys can be!" I state, covering up my rampage of mass killing with the idea that it's my duty. 

"R-Right... Anyway! Umm, you should clean that blood off as soon as possible, you might contract something if you don't-" Interrupting him whilst leaning closer to him with a growling subtle but threatening look. "You have news from the commander" I remind him in a less lovely voice. "*Gulp* Right! Umm... Commander Hanz told me to inform you of his canceling of your contract, you are no longer apart of the Baltic fleet!" He states, I casually reach out and grab him by the throat and begin to lift him off the ground. "Excuse me? But why would my dear commander do something so inconsiderate?" I ask him in a scarily casual tone, whilst he's getting the life choked out of him. "H-He didn't like your work ethics... H-He said you enjoy killing far too much... that you're a danger to his fleet!!! His words not mine! I-I'm just the messenger!!! I SWEAR!" He pleas for his life the truth and only the truth. "And just what fate is there instore for me, a warship without a purpose usually gets scrapped! Right?" I speak in a unusually happy tone. His face begins to turn purple as he can't breathe. "H-He said he was going to send you off to the English Channel to join their fleet! He said you might serve better under a stricter commander! PLEASE! JUST LET ME GO! I'M ONLY A MESSENGER!" He cries with his final breaths. I ponder killing him for a moment, before someone watching steps in. 

"Roon! Release that sailor at once, or I'll see you court martialed!" A Naval Officer shouts at me in threatening tone. I release the man and he falls atop his buttocks panting heavily and holding his neck with relief. "Sounds like I should get a move on to the English Channel..." I state to the man giving him a look that told him, if he'd lied, I'd come back. Turning, I walk away and combine with my ship.


In the English Channel, a mysterious mist forms, it quickly turns to a heavy fog, with in it a fleet destined to patrol the Channel of Iron Blood origins is trapped within. This fleet consisted of Koln, Z20, Z21, Z19, and lastly Z18, every ship beside Koln was a newly azured ship, the oldest being only 14 at the time of this event. Their mission was to conduct naval exercises under the guidance of Koln. Rules designated to the mission strictly states the fleet to radio in their position and provide a radio check up with personnel back in Iron Blood every hour. They did this for the first 14 hours, then on the 15th hour HQ failed to receive a message. On the 17th after still no communication from the fleet, Prinz Eugen was dispatched to search the last reported location the fleet reported. Along with any nearby ships to the search area to give help in the search. No one could have imagined the horrors those ships had to endure in the fog. Unbeknown to the outside world, with in the fog was a Siren controlled mirror sea. packed with WWI Iron Blood Empire ships raised from the depts of Scapa flow by an unknown Siren. 51 different ships of shape and sizes, age, and class fire through the fog with pinpoint accuracy under the control of one siren. Unfortunately for the poor fleet of young Iron Blood ships, none of them survived the first HOUR of this endless barrage of unwavering fire power. Not even their senior ship Koln, could stand up to the might of 51 warships. Upon nearing the Mirror Sea, Prinz Eugen was caught by surprise by a barrage of seemingly endless numbers of warships, that where slipping out of the fog before her every eyes. What followed was the most horrifying sight any Azured ship could ever wish to witness, as the one on the other end of the barrels that is.

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