Chapter 4 | Breaking The Curse (Original)

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---ORIGINAL UPLOAD DATE 2022 September 10th---

---Story Arc: Awakening The Beast---

---8 Hours Before Pearl Harbor---

---U Boat 556 Pov---

I make land fall, arriving in the docks, separating from my Submarine in docking slots, I leap out the water, and rush to deliver a captured intelligence report retrieved from radio interception across the country! I was determined to ensure the information was delivered on time no matter what! Maybe even early! "Hey!!! U-556! What's the rush?" U-47 yells out with amusement of my hurried nature. "I've got important documents to deliver to Bismarck! Do you know where she is?" I ask of her slowing down to listen for an answer. "Bismarck? She's actually visiting the dock yard, she's up there- *Points up to a large well-constructed bunker like structure just outside the docks that overlooked it from height* I think" She explains, giving me an idea of where to look. "Awesome! Thanks a bunch, we should hangout after I'm done with my deliveries!" I announce my gratitude, returning to a sprint, rushing my way up to the structure. "Of course!" She cheers watching me make way. I work my way up a long flight of stairs, reaching the top I enter the structure, spotting Bismarck wondering the structure, I smile, I don't get to see Bismarck often! But she feels like an older sister I never had, she so tall, strong, and polite. She's a cuddly giant! I happily follow after her, walking jollily alongside her, she stops with her noticing of me, appearing interested in a moment with my appearance. "Here" I cheer handing her the documents, she takes them, and glances back to me instead of reading them.

 "Here" I cheer handing her the documents, she takes them, and glances back to me instead of reading them

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"I wasn't expecting the intel report for another 12 hours... Thank you U-556" She expresses her pleasant surprise, expressing a gentle smile. I giggle feeling proud of myself. "I know! But I was determined to get it to you earliest I could!" I admit with cheer, she reaches out and ruffles my hair. "If only we had 100 more vessels like you in the fleet." She states appearing proud of me! Which coming from the flag ship of the navy means a lot! "Take the rest of the day off U-556, you've earned it" She adds, I smile bright and big. "Really! Thanks Bismarck!!!" I cheer, turning to enjoy the rest of the day.

---Bismarck Pov---

I watch her skip away filled with jolly cheer. I turn facing out towards the docks bellow. I take in a deep breath of air before opening the document folder labeled classified. I read through the documents slow and taking in the information. Most of the information today was updates on the Sakura Empires preparations to attack Azur Lane. Some updates and complications that have been worked around and delt with during the preparation process. Everything was in order, even the spy had successfully entered the Azur Lane base was successful in giving a detailed list of ships present as of yesterday at the docks of Azur Lane's main operating base, the one we are to strike. The list provided made up the final page of documents, I study over the list of ships, seeing that Enterprise wasn't a part of this list. That was a good thing, fighting Azur Lane's strongest Aircraft carrier wasn't a fight we were looking to face just yet. Nearing the end of this list I find myself in a pause. "USS Cleveland, USS Yorktown, SMS Bayer-" I pause before I can even finish the name. I reread the name to confirm what I'd just read. To my shock I find my eyes hadn't lied to me. I fold up everything, and pocket it. I turn heading out towards the dock yard.

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