Y/n vs Jasmine the Iron-Clad Trainer!

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After your new Pokemon to the group, You all took A Long trip Back through the Small Whirley Sea, and soon you all Made it Back to Olivine City to Give Jasmine the Medicine for Ampharos, and when you did Ampharos immediately felt better, and Began powering the Lighthouse again.

Jasmine: Oh I don't know how to thank you all, That was very sweet of all of you to be that Brave

And Then Brock did his Simping thing...

Brock: Oh It's Okay Jasmine, A Beauty Like you deserve-

Just then Misty whacked him over the head and Dragged Him off.

Misty: Sorry for him being an Idiot

Jasmine: Oh It's Okay

Y/n: Actually  I was Hoping to get my Next Badge

Jasmine: (Sweatdrop) Oh, of course, I Kinda forgot

Everyone then fell!

Y/n: Ugh... Mind doing that?

Jasmine: Oh right, Now Just follow me to the Gym and You can fight me

Y/n: Great!


You Then followed Jasmine to her Gym and it was Coated in Metal from top to Bottom in the Center, there was A Battlefield filled with Rocks and Boulders!

Jasmine: You ready?

Y/n: Yeah, I got the perfect Plan for this

Jasmine: Great! Now Let's Go! Go Magnemite!

She then summoned the Electric/Steel type, and soon you Grabbed A Pokemon and Threw out your Pokemon!

Y/n: Go Typloshion!

Typhlosion: Yeah!! I'm ready to do this!

Jasmine: That's A Really Good Choice, Now Magnemite use Thunderbolt!

Y/n: Typhlosion Use Eruption!


He then began shooting A God ton of Fire from the fire on his Back, and it landed all over the place and it Quickly Knocked out Magnemite!

Jasmine: Oh Good Move, Now go Magneton! Magneton use Gyroball!

Y/n: Typhlosion use Flame Wheel!

Typhlosion: Right!

They both then turned into Balls and flew at each other and they began battling against each other with them Bouncing off the walls and constantly slamming against each other, But you had an Idea!

Y/n: Quickly Typhlosion use Flamethrower!

Typhlosion when he got close enough to Magneton blasted it, and soon it was lit on fire, sending it flying into A Boulder, Knocking it out!

Jasmine: Good Job, But I have one more Pokemon. Go Steelix!

She then summoned The Giant Iron snake as she smiled!

Jasmine: This is my Ace, Now Steelix use Iron Tail repeatedly!

Y/n: Typhlosion Dodge it!

He then kept on dodging all of the attacks with ease, as Steelix had trouble dodging all of them with Iron Tail's Trash accuracy!

Y/n: Now Typhlosion Use Eruption!


He then Launched Fire and Lava everywhere But...

Jasmine: Steelix dodge it with Dig!

Steelix then dug underground as You got Scared!

Y/n: Typhlosion prepare for whatever comes!

Typhlosion: Right

Jasmine: Steelix use Stone Edge!

Just then Massive stones appeared from the ground and hit Typhlosion in the gut and sent him flying and crashing back to the ground!

Y/n: Typhlosion are you Okay?

Typhlosion: Blegh... No...

Jasmine: Steelix end this with Irontail!

Y/n: Typhlosion, I believe in you! Now use Flame Wheel to dodge This!

Typhlosion's eyes then Opened, as he curled up in A Ball and Began to use Flamehweel as he dodged and began to head for Steelix!

Jasmine: Steelix use Rockslide!

Y/n: Typhlosion dodge them all!

Typhlosion then dodged all of the Huge rocks until he Got to Steelix's Face and slammed into it!

Y/n: Now Typhlosion end this with Earthpower!

Typhlosion then used Earthpower to shake the entire ground and create Cracks in the ground and Steelix was Knocked out!

Y/n: Yes! We win!

Typhlosion: YEAH!

Jasmine: Well I Must admit You are A Very strong and Capable Trainer, so I give you the Mineral Badge

Jasmine: Well I Must admit You are A Very strong and Capable Trainer, so I give you the Mineral Badge

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Mineral Badge

Y/n: Yes!! I am now 6 Badges In!!

Jasmine: Also...~

She then Pecked you on the cheek as she smiled.

Y/n: You Love me don't you?

Jasmine: Yeah... 

Y/n: Aww~

You then Began to Carry her Bridal Style.

Y/n: Well I think You're pretty damn cute Yourself

Jasmine: Thank You~ I shall Join you on your Journey

Y/n: Great! You'll love everyone Trust me

Jasmine: Great

You then continued on your Journey with Jasmine on your side!

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