Y/n vs Sidney the Bad Boy of the Elite 4!

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Soon it was now Time for the elite 4, as you quickly began to walk into the Building, and soon you walked into the First Room which was Almost Pitch Black with A Few Flood lights lighting the room Up!

Y/n: Hmmm, Seems very Suspicious

???: Hey Punk, You here the Challenge the Elite 4, or are you going to stand there and Blather around like an Idiot

Y/n: Who the hell are you?

Sidney: The Name is Sid, Short for Sidney and I am the first member of the elite 4 you Must pass Punk!

Sidney (The first member of the Hoenn Elite 4/ He is Pretty Much A Punk who specializes in Dark types/ He only respects the strength of A Trainer)

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Sidney (The first member of the Hoenn Elite 4/ He is Pretty Much A Punk who specializes in Dark types/ He only respects the strength of A Trainer)

Y/n: Alright then, I want to Challenge Steven

Sidney: You have to get through me first

Y/n: Fine then, Go Blaziken! Beyond Evolution, Mega Evolve!!

You then Mega Evolved Blaziken!

Blaziken: Hell Yeah!

Sidney: Fine then, Go Mightyena! Now use Thunder Fang!

Y/n: Blaziken use Sky Uppercut!

Blaziken: Right!

Mightyena then tried to bite down on Blaziken but Blaziken punched it in the face sending him flying and then crashing into the ground!

Sidney: Time to use cheap Tactics! Mightyena use Sand attack Repeatedly!

Mightyena then began to Unleash A Bunch of sand Blinding  Blaziken!

Y/n: Oh You did not Just do that! Blaziken use Aerial Ace!

Blaziken: Argh! Right!

Blaziken then slashed Upwards towards Mightyena and hit it with A Critical Hit as it fell limp to the ground and tried to Get back up!

Y/n: Now use Blaze Kick!

Blaziken then Kicked Mightyena with A Firey Kick Knocking it out!

Sidney: Now That was good, But I still got 4 More. Go Shiftry!

Y/n: Blaziken you Okay? Can you still fight?

Blaziken: Ugh, Yeah, Got the sand out of my eyes so that's good

Y/n: Good Now, Use Blaze Kick!

Sidney: Shiftry use Double Team!

Shiftry then Began to create several clones, as Blaziken Kicked one but it turned out to be one of the Fakes!

Y/n: Huh? Blaziken use Blaze Kick repeatedly!

Blaziken then Began to repeatedly destroy clones, as Shiftry then Began to Dodge!

Sidney: Now use Dark Pulse!

Shiftry then hits Blaziken with the attack, as he fell down Hurt!

Y/n: Blaziken use Aerial Ace!

Shiftry: Use Double Team!

Blaziken then was able to strike Shiftry with The Always Hit attack and threw it back!

Y/n: Now use Blaze Kick!

Blaziken then Kicked Shiftry with A Firey Kick, Knocking it out!

Sidney: I still got another! Go, Cacturne!

Y/n: Alright Blaziken use Blaze Kick!

Sidney: Cacturne use Spikey Shield!

Cacturne then Created A Green shield of Spines, and Blaziken stabbed his foot into it, as he fell down bleeding!

Blaziken: Agh!! Son of A Bitch!

Sidney: Now use Needle Arm!

Y/n: Blaziken Vacuum Wave!

Blaziken then began to unleash A Bunch of Airwaves towards Cacturn ignoring its Spikey Shield!

Y/n: Now use Close Combat Quickly!

Blaziken then Began to Beat up on Cacturne as it kept on getting A Beating, and it fell to the ground Beaten!

Sidney: Good Job, But now you have the Disadvantage Punk! Go Crawduant!

Y/n: Blaziken be on Guard! He Might use A Crabhammer!

Blaziken: Okay, Right

Sidney: Now use Crabhammer!

Y/n: HA! I called it! now dodge it!

Blaziken then dodged it, as Crawduant then slammed its claw into the Ground!

Y/n: Now Use Sunny Day!

Sidney: Crawduant use Surf!

Crawduant then landed A Supereffective Surf but it didn't do much due to the Sunny day!

Y/n: Now use Close Combat!

Sidney: Crawduant use Crabhammer!

They both then began to beat down on each other, and soon Blaziken got the advantage and sent Crawduant down Knocking it out!

Sidney: Hahahahahaha! Okay Punk, Now you've Pulled out my Ace! Go Absol!

Y/n: Okay Blaziken be Careful we don't know what He's Planning

Sidney: Now use Swords Dance! And Now use Aerial Ace!

Y/n: Blaziken counter it with Your own Aerial Ace!

They both then Began to counter each other over, and over, and over again, as this battle was going nowhere!

Sidney: Hahahahaha! I hope you know your no Faint streak ends here!

Y/n: I don't think so!

Sidney: Huh?

Y/n: Use Power Up Punch!

Blaziken then Punched Absol in the gut making it stop, as Blaziken then got An Attack Boost!

Y/n: Now use Close Combat!

Blaziken then Began to beat Up Absol until it was Knocked out!

Sidney: Hahahahahaha! Okay, you Proved to me you are Good enough To Move to the next room, Kid! Now Move on Ya Punk!

Y/n: Alright then

You then walked into the next room as the doors Opened.

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