Messages Big Brother Details
Today 6:10 PMBellamy
Hey next time you decide to
throw a party out of no
where let me know before handOctavia
Well that kind of defeats the
purpose of throwing a party
out of nowhere, now does it?😌Bellamy
I'm serious OOctavia
I want to have fun Bell,
for once in my life
can I just do that?Bellamy
Look, if mom finds out that you are
throwing parties at our house while
she is out on a business tripBellamy
I'm deadOctavia
And that's why she'll
✨never find out✨Bellamy
Come on Bell you worry
too much about meBellamy
I do notBellamy
I eventually said yes to
the party didn't I?Octavia
Give me a breakOctavia
You only said yes
to annoy ClarkeBellamy
Did notOctavia
Did soBellamy
DID NOTOctavia
DID SOBellamy
Real mature.Octavia
You started it.Bellamy
Just promise me you won't
throw another party again without
telling me first, ok?Octavia

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Hayran KurguDumb characters making dumb jokes from The 100♥️ I enjoy reading these despite the fact that it's 2023. The 100 CW adaptation, inspired by the many stories out there:) Includes; The 100 Group chat Messages Social media Text Story AU