CHAPTER 19: Beyond the point of no return [⚠⚠]

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Three figures of women exited a black Cadillac escalade limousine that had parked in front of an opulent casino. Surprisingly, none of them were wearing sparkling gowns but rather the finest suits.

A man welcomed them, "Bonsoir Mesdames, je suppose que vous êtes tous les invités que Monsieur Ademaro attendait, (Good evening ladies, I guess you are all the guests that Mr. Ademaro has been waiting for)," he added, "S'il vous plaît suivez-moi à l'intérieur (Please follow me inside)."

The three of them followed him down the long hallway as they rode the elevator together and watched as he proceeded to the top floor of the skyscraper.

They were probably taken to the casino's VIP area, where the boss of the La Cohue was waiting for them.

As the elevator door opened, they were directed to a fairly large, gothic-styled door. The man stops them before they even enter to see if they are armed, which irritated one of them.

After failing to obtain any firearms from the three women, the man opened the door.

An elderly man with a smile who was accompanied by two women who were clearly from a different clan greeted the trio.

Bienvenue sur mon casino
(Welcome to my casino)." He welcomes them and says, "Have a seat, ladies, it's nice to see you all again."

"It's a privilege for us to have been invited by you to be here tonight," the girl with the ebony hair adds as she takes a seat next to her two companions opposite from the elderly guy. "Comment avez-vous été? (How have you been?)" she added.

"Assez bien (Well enough),

After a moment, the bobcat blonde joined in, asking, "Considering the bankruptcy of a number of your enterprises, I guess it still making you well enough?"

 Her older sister wanted to punch her younger sister for making the brazen statement that would get them killed straight away since she knew where this conversation was going.

The man across from them was secretly irritated when Yena, on the other hand, was unable to suppress her laughter.

He requests that the two women leave the room and said, attempting to conceal his growing fury, "I respect your boldness for speaking those to me right here in my place. However, I admit that the bankruptcy of my companies was giving me problems, but I decided to view it positively."

Yena remarked with a smirk on her face, "Donc, je parie que vous nous avez invités ici pour nous mendier de l'aide. (So, I bet you invited us here to beg us for help)."

The man responded forcefully, "I don't like how you put your remarks, I am not and never will beg anyone for help. I invited you all to ask gently with this..."

The old man whispers something to one of his men, who nods and walks over to the flat-screen TV and turns it on.

In front of the camera sat a very well familiar man with a scar on his face.

"Patron, nous avons déjà le cadeau que vous voulez.(Boss, we already have the gift you want)." The man grabbed the camera and showed the unconscious and bruised body of a young actress lying on the ground.

As Chaewon was appalled to find the girl she loves in such terrible shape, a deafening silence gradually filled the room. 

He continues, "We also had a surprise additional gift, here lies the hero who supposed to save this damsel in distress," as he points to another unconscious and battered figure of a man lying on the ground.

The revolver was placed on the small table in front of them, and Chaewon suddenly found herself looking at it covertly.

The woman seated next to Yena and Minjeong could be felt her mounting wrath. The youngest of the three made a covert attempt to hold her sister's icy hands to prevent her from bursting out in rage.

"Je sens l'odeur des marguerites," Chaewon lowly mutters that surely all of the people inside heard.

'Dang it, her demons were awakened,'  Yena curses in her head as she watches her dear friend give of a ruthless demeanour.

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