Chapter 26

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I put my purse on the couch in our hotel room. I grab my laptop and check my youtube channel. I read the comments. Some of the comments are about positive things. But there are also negative comments, and it hurts so bad when I read it. There is someone who says that I'm using Kylie to get famous. They say that my hair looks weird, and I'm ugly. I keep scrolling down the comments until Kylie speaks to me.
"Stop looking at the negative comments, Jess. Read the positive one and ignore the negative." I lift my head to see Kylie. She moves my purse a little bit so she can sits on the couch across my bed.
"How can you know that I'm reading the negative comments?" I ask her.
"Well, it shows in your face. You look like you're about to cry."
"Ugh, but I don't know how to ignore them. This stuff is new for me." I say and put my laptop beside me. I can't believe the fact that, two months ago I was just a normal teenage girl that went to school everyday and didn't have any friends. But now, everything is change.
"I know how it feels when you get hate from people all around the world. Because believe or not, i do get hate too..." She says.
I smiles, "then how you deal with it?"
"Well I don't know actually. I think when I hear a negative stuff about me it just comes in from my left ear and comes out on my right ear, and you'll get use to it." She says. "Come on, change the subject.. Let's talk about exciting stuff." She smiles.
"Do you mean, the fact that we are going back to school next week?" I joke.
Kylie rolls her eyes, "you're so funny Jess."


"You ready?" Kylie asks me.
"Yeah, let's go." I say.
Now we are going to have a dinner together. We go out from our hotel room and take the cab. When we arrive at the restaurant there are a few paparazzi that already waiting for us. We walk inside the restaurant and take our seat. A waitress comes toward our table and gives us the menu. I order mac&cheese and lemon tea, Kylie orders salad and lemon tea. When we finish order our foods and drinks the waitress walk away from our table.
"Jess, can you take a picture of me?" Kylie asks as she gives me her phone.
"Of course." I say. I open the phone camera and click the camera button.
"Do you want to take picture with me? We can ask that woman for help?" Kylie says. I nod as an agreement, Kylie calls the woman which is a waitress in this restaurant. She walks toward us. I give my phone to her as I ask her for a help. 'Mariah' I read her name on the name tag she wears.
"Smile..." Mariah says. Me and Kylie smiles at the phone. When we finish, Mariah gives my phone back.
"Thank you so much." I say and she walks away from our table. I look at the picture and I have to say that we both look so beautiful in this picture. I give Kylie my phone so she can see the picture too. Kylie says the lightning in this restaurant I so good, and I just smile as an agreement.
After a few minutes waiting for our foods, it finally comes. My stomach already make a noise and I hope no one can hear it. Me and Kylie eat out food.
When we finish our food, we pay our food and go out from the restaurant. There are a lot more paparazzi now, and there are also a few fans here. Me and Kylie stop for a few minutes to take picture with the fans. After that we take the cab and go back to our hotel.

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