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The night of Rhaenyra's ceremony was quiet. News flooded the Seven Kingdoms and created confusion and sparked arguments. Women all around the realm were proud of Rhaenyra's claim to the throne. Some men were also proud but the proudest of them all was Ragnar Targaryen.

His support for her was the deepest and most powerful then anyone else's, more than her father's. Ragnar was split between supporting his father's claim and his love's claim.

That night, Ragnar was standing behind Rhaenyra in her chambers as she looked at herself in the mirror with her royal dress, headband and necklace on. Rhaenyra's face showed one of determination, power and grace. But there were times her facial expression would change to uncertainty and anxiety.

Ragnar wasn't sure what he could do to prove to her that she was born to rule. He did what he thought was best. Ragnar unsheathed his sword, set it horizontally on the floor in front of him before he kneeled behind her. She turned around to see him with his head down.

RHAENYRA: "What are you doing?

RAGNAR: "I, Ragnar Targaryen, Prince of... House Targaryen, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new."

He looks up at her, she smirks.

RHAENYRA: "Why are you doing this?"

RAGNAR: "They didn't give the chance in hall earlier."

They look at one another while he still kneels.

RAGNAR: "I mean it, Rhaenyra. I swear to you my undying fidelity until the end of our times."

RHAENYRA: "I accept your loyalty to me, Ragnar. Now, please, stand. I can't have my love pain his knees to show his fealty to me as I've known of it for many years."

Ragnar reaches out for her hand, he takes it and kisses her ring finger before standing tall in front of her. The pair look into each other's eyes, full of love and appreciation. Ragnar kisses her forehead before she rests it against his chest. Ragnar holds her close to him as they stand there together, savoring these moments of peace together.

_______ | 6 Months Later | _______

It's early morning, sunrise. Ragnar and Rhaenyra are on their hilltop with their dragons behind them. Arryx and Syrax have gotten quite close in the last 6 months. They greet each other with neck rubs and they always sleep side by side now. Ragnar and Rhaenyra have been spending their usual amount of time together as they've always done. Rhaenyra is beyond grateful of Ragnar's assistance in helping her grief the lose of her mother. He always made sure to make her smile and laugh daily.

Ragnar lays on his back with Rhaenyra resting her head on his abdomen. Ragnar rests his head on the side of the big red and black Arryx. The couple looking at one another as they fidget with their ring necklaces. From time to time they smirk and smile at each other.

RAGNAR: "I could lay like this forever."

RHAENYRA: "As can I. Moments like these with you are my favorite."

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