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-• | WE LIGHT THE WAY | •-

Ragnar sits in the dining hall waiting for breakfast. His wife, Lady Laenys walks in. Ragnar stands as she approaches his table. He reaches from her hand to which she places in his. His kisses it before pulling out her chair for her and sitting down on the other side. Yes, Ragnar is madly in love with Rhaenyra, but he swore to respect Lady Laenys the way a husband should.

RAGNAR: "Good Morning."

LAENYS: "Good Morning, how did you sleep, Husband?"

RAGNAR: "I slept well, thank you... and you?"

LAENYS: "Really well, the waves that crash on the stone below my room remind me of home."

RAGNAR: "I'm glad this stone dungeon has given you comfort."

They chuckle together at his joke, Dragonstone is quite dark.

LAENYS: "Yeah, hopefully we can make some renovations to lighten this place up."

RAGNAR: "No walls will be taken down or cut open, I'll request more lights be put in in every room."

LAENYS: "A promising compromise."

They smile at one another.

RAGNAR: "How's Elaketh?"

LAENYS: "She's... still processing the move plus I think she has a thing for Arryx."

RAGNAR: "Oh? My boy is quite handsome."

LAENYS: "He is... I think he makes her nervous... in the good way?"

RAGNAR: "Maybe, I don't know... could be."

Laenys chuckled.

LAENYS: "Would you be willing to help me with her? I really want her to feel comfortable here and around Arryx."

RAGNAR: "Of course I would, we can go riding later today when the winds are calmer."

LAENYS: "Sounds perfect... Thank you, Ragnar."

RAGNAR: "Of course, Laenys."

They both are deeply appreciative of one another and for each other's company. They believe they are the few lucky ones who have been able to marry for politics and strategy and have a partner who is respecting and understanding.

RAGNAR: "So... when will I meet her?"

LAENYS: "Oh, um... how did..."

RAGNAR: "Don't worry, Laenys... I'm as understanding and accepting as you are."

She smiles as she looks down at her plate.

LAENYS: "Her name is Alise."

RAGNAR: "And?"

LAENYS: "She's an excellent fighter, horse rider and archer."

RAGNAR: "Hmm, impressive. Do you love her?"

LAENYS: "I... I do."

(SLOW UPDATES) HOTD - | RAGE OF THE DRAGON | (Rhaenyra Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now