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-• | A SON FOR A SON | •-

Ragnar and Rhaenyra walk beside one another, down the halls of Dragonstone. Ragnar holds Rhaenyra close to him as they make their way to the room their son, Lucerys lays. Rhaenyra can't control her tears nor her breath as she cries uncontrollably as they walk.

Once they enter the room and Rhaenyra sees her husband's cape wrapped up the way it is, her legs grow weaker. Ragnar waits at the entrance of the room as he was given his chance to mourn privately.

Ragnar looks at the guards.

RAGNAR: "Send a raven to Prince Jaehaerys, he's most likely on The Wall in The North." he orders.

Ragnar then looks at the silent sisters and the maester, his look tells them to leave the room to allow them to be private.

Rhaenyra walks slowly and gingerly over to the table, not wanting to see what see knows is there as this will only confirm her deepest fear. She places her hand on top of the cape, she can feel her son beneath the fabric.

Rhaenyra unwraps the top of the cape to reveal her son's face, lifeless and pale. Rhaenyra weeps louder and heavier now. She tucks her head into his body and runs her fingers through his hair. Rhaenyra lifts her head before kissing Lucerys forehead.

She kneels to the ground to "lay" beside the table while holding onto her child. Ragnar watches from the door, he too cries heavily as he tries his best to control his breathing. He keeps wiping his tears away but it doesn't help as more form.

Ragnar walks to his lover and kneels behind her before slowly snaking his arms around her. She leans back into him before she clings to him. They cry together and they now mourn together.

A day of loss, the loss of their daughter and now their son. Nothing could've prepared the couple for this amount of heartbreak in one day. Their lives have been hard but they've always had each other to get through.

Ragnar buries his face into his Queen's neck and continues to sob. Rhaenyra hasn't stopped nor should she.

Ragnar is already filed with rage, Rhaenyra soon will be too.

Ragnar stands from the floor and helps Rhaenyra up gently. They stand and look down at their son on the table before them. Rhaenyra turns around and buries herself into Ragnar.

The Queen and King are quiet before they both walk to the other side of the room and begin preparing their sweet Lucerys for his funeral by wrapping him in clothes.

It was just yesterday where they did the same for their baby girl, Rhaella. This is becoming all too common for them, this shouldn't be the case. Parents shouldn't outlive their children. Parents are not to mourn they are the ones to be mourned.

Before the couple finishes wrapping their son, they leave his face uncovered for them to give him so last minute kisses.

Ragnar goes first his kisses his son's forehead, the closed eyes and his cheeks before giving him one last hug.

Ragnar steps aside to give the mother of his son, the chance to give Lucerys her last bit of love and affection. Rhaenyra does the exact same as Ragnar but her hug was twice as long.

(SLOW UPDATES) HOTD - | RAGE OF THE DRAGON | (Rhaenyra Targaryen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now