What a view.

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I wake up when I hear the first words of the final song from the movie.
"Hey sleepyhead. You missed the entire movie." I hear Daniels voice.
"I'm so sorry I made you watch this and then I fall asleep." I sit up and rub my eyes to wake up a bit more.

"It's fine, I guess you needed a little nap after your work out." He grins and I blush thinking about our shower time.
"Hmm no I was just completely satisfied and relaxed, thanks to you." I crawl onto his lap to cuddle and he wraps his arms around me. "What time is it?"
He checks his watch. "It's 3 o'clock so plenty of time."

"What would you like to do?" I ask him.
"Well I can think of something, but maybe we should get some air and go outside for a walk. I can give you a small tour. Or we could get on my Vespa and take a ride." He suggests.
"I would really love that, not that I would mind the thing that I know came into your mind first." I give him a wink and a kiss. "Do you have two helmets?"

"We won't really need a helmet, but if you want to put one on I have it for you."
I think about it for a second, "If you say I won't need one I think I prefer not to wear one."
I try to get of his lap, but he holds me to give me another kiss. His kisses are so good, I can't get enough of them. "Hmmm if you keep going like this we won't be going anywhere anytime soon. I wouldn't mind of course, but then I might not be able to sit for a few days." I start laughing and he can't keep a straight face either.

"Then we should head out." He let's me get off his lap and I go get my shoes. "Do you think I need a jacket or a hoodie?" I ask from the hall.
"Maybe it might be just a bit chilly when we head into the hills, did you bring a summer jacket?" He answers.
"I'm not sure. I think I just brought a hoodie." I quickly go to the bedroom to check my luggage.
No jacket here.
"I didn't bring one." I walk back to the living room where Daniel puts on his shoes.
"A hoodie will be too warm. You can borrow one of my jackets."

I get my shoes and put them on as Daniel gets me one of his jackets.
He holds it up so I can put it on, then he gets his keys and we both grab our phones.
We make our way to the elevator. "Where is that Vespa of yours?"
"It's in the garage of the apartment building. My car is there as well."
The elevator doors open and we get in.

He takes my hand and pulls me towards him so we are face to face.
"Hello you, have I told you today how gorgeous you are yet?" He smiles at me and he looks so damn cute right now.
"You just did, but I don't mind hearing it." I stroke his cheek, "you don't look bad yourself  honey badger."
I fold my hands in his neck and let my fingers run through his thick curls.
He kisses the tip of my nose and it makes me wrinkle my nose.
"Haha that looked cute as hell." He laughs and does it again.

The elevator stops and the doors open.
"Oh hi Kelly, how are you today?" Daniel says and I turn around to greet her as well.
"Hello again," I say and smile at her.
"Again? Have you met yet?" Daniel asks.
"We ran into each other in this elevator this morning, but we didn't have time to properly talk to each other." I explain, "but I'm sure we will get that opportunity real soon."

"I guess we will, so you are here to stay?" She asks with a smile that just doesn't quite reach her eyes. I'm sure she is a really nice person, but she is just cautious I guess with new people. Which I totally understand and I can't blame her at all.
"Yeah she definitely is." Daniel answers the question before I can.
"That's nice. Best of luck for the both of you." She says and the doors open again on the ground floor so we all get out.

We head to the back door of the building where the garage is.
There are some really nice cars in here. "Which one is yours?" I ask Daniel.
"The Aston Martin over there. And my Vespa is next to it. You ready, we have about an hour before we have to be back to get ready for dinner."
"Heck yeah, let's go!"

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now