Not today

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I go to the bathroom to put on some leggings before joining him on the couch for breakfast.
Afterwards he asks me to stand in front of him, "now I can see how much lower your bump is, does it feel very different?"
"A bit, I do feel like I have a bit more air. There's more space underneath my ribs which is actually nice."
We end up talking about Baku and everything from the weekend.

Yesterday was great, having Daniel home when I didn't think he would be was absolutely amazing.
We're now being called into Dr Dubois office again for my checks.
"Hey Skylar, Daniel? I didn't expect you here today. Aren't you supposed to be in Miami?" I told her I would be here alone today, but now Daniel is home he obviously went with me.
"I'm leaving this afternoon, I flew back Sunday, I just wanted to be with Skylar as much as possible. Especially now the due date is coming so close."

She smiles, "that's very nice to hear. Let's get those checks done then."
She checks my blood pressure which is still perfect, my weight is still only going up slightly as the baby grows.
"You really are lucky Skylar, you'll probably be back to your usual shape within no time. Now hop on the bed so I can check the position of the baby and measure your bump."

"I think he dropped Sunday, but I'm sure you'll be able to tell me if that is indeed the case." With a little help from Daniel I manage to get on the bed and I pull up my shirt. I'm wearing maternity leggings that she pushes below my bump before letting her hands run over my bump. Pressing them to feel where peanut is.
As she feels right above my pubic area I see her smile.

"Yeah there's definitely a little head down here. Daniel do you want to feel?"
He nods so she takes his hands and pushes them a bit so he can feel.
"You're holding your baby's head right now, can you feel the round shape. He really is down and ready for birth."
Daniels smile is radiating from his face.
"Oh my god I'm holding our baby's head. Wow I'm so glad I came home." He sighs and his smile shows the love he feels for the little human inside me.

Claire keeps feeling and she also lets Daniel feel when she finds the little bum and a foot.
He's enjoying this to the fullest and I just know he'll be bragging about this to Max and Charles during the flight to Miami.
Kelly and Charlotte both texted me Monday to let me know Max and Charles came home during the night. I knew that already as they used Max his private jet.

"So let's go through the steps to take once labor starts. If your water breaks, give me a call, because I need to know if it's clear or if it's a different color. If it's clear and you don't have any contractions yet we can just wait for them to start. It doesn't have to start with your water breaking though. You might be getting contractions and most of the time at the beginning there can be quite some time in between and they might not be regular at first either.
You can always let me know when you start feeling contractions, but you probably won't need me right away." She explains and I nod, I've read a lot already, but it's good to go through it with her.

"Once you start having painful contractions that last about a minute and have 5 minutes or less in between, then definitely call me, because I'll come to check you, that's about the time early labor transitions to active labor. You can take a shower, a bath, walk around, lay down. Whatever feels good for you at that moment." The fact that we are now talking about what to do once labor starts is making it so real. It just feels like I still have a lot of time to go, but my due date is in 26 days, so a little over 3 weeks if I make it to my due date.

"Sunday she told me she had some painful Braxton Hicks. Is that normal?" Daniel asks her.
"It can be normal. Her body is getting ready for the birth, but as long as you don't have more than about 8 in one hour don't worry too much. You do have to call me when you don't feel as much movements or none at all. If you experience bleeding or if you start leaking amniotic fluid." She puts in some results in the computer and then we are ready to get going. I'll come back when I'm 38 weeks for some final checks, but so far everything is still going great. We listened to the heartbeat which was also the way it should be.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now