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He gets up and as soon as he's on his feet he wraps his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. He holds me tight as his lips find mine. Our cheeks both wet from the tears that run down our faces.
In the distance I hear our friend cheering, but I am lost in the man I love. The man I'm going to marry.
When we finally let go of each other he takes the ring out of the box, his hands shake as he tries to put it around my trembling finger.

He does succeed, the ring fits perfectly. When the ring is on my finger he kisses me again.
I've never felt this happy before in my life, my heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest.
"We're definitely going to need champagne now." Max claims, making me smile against Daniels lips.
"I don't like champagne, but for this I'll make an exception." I say, looking down at my hand where there's this stunning ring now on my finger.

"When did you get this?" I ask him.
"In Imola, I had Kelly figure out what kind of ring you would like and your size and then I ordered it. Michael has been keeping it safe for me until now."
I look up at Kelly, "Oooh Kelly now I understand why you were so keen on me trying rings." She gives me an innocent look. "But we were just together for a few days." I look back at Daniel puzzled.

"I know, but I also knew I would marry you someday. I was going to propose as soon as I got a podium, but I don't see that happening any time soon with McLaren, so I felt right now, today was perfect. I'm sorry it's not a very romantic setting and stuff, but I just really wanted to do it now." He says and he almost looks guilty that he didn't put up an entire show for this.

"Oh babe no this was perfect. You know me, I don't need all that fuss. I love you so much. And now we're actually engaged. Oh my god this is crazy. But I'm so happy. You've made me the happiest girl in the world." I give him more small kisses on his lips.
"Ok enough now we want to properly congratulate you guys." We hear Michael say and we finally let go of each other.
Lando shakes Daniels hand, "so I'll be your best man right?" He asks, but his face shows he's joking.
"Sorry man, you will be one of the groomsmen, but there's only 1 person I can ask for the best man job."

He walks up to Michael who was just hugging me so he missed what was said between Lando and Daniel.
"Michael, my friend. Would you please be my best man when I marry this stunning woman?"
I can see Michaels eyes starting to shine a bit more.
"Ah mate I'd be honored to be your best man!"
They share a careful hug.

"Now let me look at that ring properly." Kelly takes my hand, admiring the ring with Charlotte.
"It's so you. You were right, you're not the type of girl who would wear a massive diamond. This suits you so much. It's modest, but different. It's perfect."
"Girls, I would really love it if you were my bridesmaids." As soon as I've asked them they start screaming.
"Oh my god yes!" Charlotte gives me the tightest hug ever.
"Of course I want to!" Kelly does a little crazy dance making us all laugh.

"Do you know who will be your maid of honor? Bri or Jen?" Kelly asks me when she stops dancing.
"No, I don't think I'll have a maid of honor. I could never choose between the 4 of you." Bri and Jen I've known for ages, but they are both equally important to me. Just as Kelly and Charlotte even though I haven't known them that long. So I'll just stick with the 4 bridesmaids. And of course Pixie will have to be the flower girl.
Suddenly I realize something and my heart sinks.

Daniel just turned around after being congratulated by Lewis and Blake when he sees my face drop.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"I just realized I won't have my mom there. I don't want her there, because of the way she treated me. But it does hurt. I do want my dad there, but I don't know if he will come if I don't invite my mom." I fiddle with the ring around my finger as I try not to cry.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now