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Smut warning. If your can't take it don't read this part.

"What's wrong babe?" I put my arms around his waist to give him a hug.
"I could just see you singing for our own kids someday and it just hurts thinking about the baby we lost." Hearing him say that, makes me feel warm inside, but also breaks my heart.
We move to the living area of the suite and I hug him tightly.
"I know sweetheart, it's not fair. I do believe our time will come soon. And you will be the most amazing dad any child could ask for."

Abby and Damian are sitting on the couch quietly, knowing all too well what we are going through.
I wipe a tear from Daniels cheek and give him a kiss before I pull him in a tight, comforting hug.
"I love you Daniel, we will be parents. I just know we will."
"I thought I was the positive one, but you sure don't let life bring you down do you?" He asks me with a smile on his face.
"I try not to. But I have my moments as you know."

I turn to my brother and his wife. "We're heading back to our room. See you guys tomorrow."
"Thanks again and sorry for interrupting your evening. Enjoy the rest of the night." Abby walks with us to the door and we decide to have breakfast together in the morning.
We enjoy the strawberries with the chocolate, talking and just cuddling. 

Daniel is at the McLaren garage already and I just had a cuddle with Roscoe. That dog is just hilarious and such a sweetheart. I guess dogs and owners do look alike, although Lewis isn't as wrinkly and his face isn't as flat as Roscoes.
Walking through the pit lane I see the teams working hard, doing minor adjustments on the cars. I love the atmosphere, the sounds, the smells just everything. Walking by the Aston Martin garage I wave at Sebastian, I've never met anybody who is more genuinely interested in other people, but also in the environment. He's putting in a lot of effort to change things and it's always amazing talking to him about his ideas and plans.

I'm not really looking at where I'm going, because I'm waving at Seb until I pretty much crash into somebody. I almost fall backwards, but gentle hands wrap around my waist to keep me on my feet.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking, I'm so clum..... hooooly mother of something." I look up at the person who is holding me and I instantly recognize him.
"It's ok I wasn't really looking where I was going either. Which I should, because there are loads of people here." The man says with a calming voice. "Hold on, aren't you Skylar Hayes?"

My eyes are going to pop out of my head.
"I'm sorry you know me? Aren't you Keanu Reeves?"
Why would Keanu Reeves know me. I'm nobody and he's like super famous, has done so many awesome movies. He's freaking Neo from the Matrix, he's John Wick and I'm actually talking to him. Even better, he still has his hands on my waist.
"I am, but you are Skylar right?" When he looks at me it's like he looks straight into my soul, but not in a scary way, his gaze is just intense.
There is this kindness I can see in his eyes, I'm intimidated because he is who he is, not by the way he looks at me.

Pull yourself together Sky, he asked you a question.
"Yeah I am. I just don't really get how you know my name." I feel his hands still on my waist even though I'm not falling over anymore.
"I saw some videos of you at this Mercedes dinner party and I was very impressed."
Ok now I'm happy he is still holding me, because this is just too much. One of the best actors in Hollywood is impressed by me.
"You were?" Stay cool, stay cool, don't start to giggle like some teenage girl. I should know by now that even though somebody is famous, they're still normal people who snore and fart.

Daniel is living proof of that, ok he doesn't really snore, but he can sure fart.
"Yeah you're very talented. Did you get any record offers yet?" He finally drops his hands, but I can still feel the warmth where they were.
"None that I want to do anything with. I'm not interested in making a career out of it. I joined a band that plays in a bar in Monaco. So whenever I can and want I perform there."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now