Birthday girl

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"Happy birthday my love." Is the first thing I hear when I wake up. I've actually been able to sleep all night. Not so strange considering I don't even remember how many times he made me orgasm last night.
"Thank you my honey badger." When I open my eyes he is standing there in just his sweatpants with a tray filled with breakfast.
I see fresh orange juice, tea, toast with melted butter and Nutella, I have been craving Nutella since a couple of weeks so we now make sure we have Nutella everywhere we go.

My mouth starts to water when I see it all, but even more so because of him, being his shirtless sexy self.
"Eyes on the food love." He grins and I quickly see what else he has on there.
He also has some fresh fruit and for himself he has porridge and also fruit. Some toast with chicken and avocado and some croissants for the both of us.
"Aw babe, you didn't have to do this, but it's so sweet and it looks amazing, so thank you. I have to go to the toilet first, but then I can't wait to dig in."
"Take your time baby, I'll be here."

He puts the tray on a little bed table we bought so we can have breakfast in bed without having to worry the drinks will fall over in bed.
After I have washed my hands I quickly brush my hair so I don't look like a scarecrow as much.
Daniel has climbed back in bed and he actually put on some music. I hear Brad Paisleys song Then, which just makes me feel so much butterflies again.
I know it's not the baby, because he definitely doesn't feel like butterflies anymore. It's more a kickboxer when he starts.

"Come back to bed, I've got quite a day planned for you. So I hope you slept well." He looks as excited as a kid in a candy store, so I'm very curious to find out what exactly he's been up to.
"I did actually, so I'm very well rested and looking forward to whatever you came up with."
As I climb back in the bed I see a little wrapped box on the tray that wasn't there before I went to the bathroom.
"Oh Daniel please tell me you didn't buy me some super expensive piece of jewelry?"

"Just open it." He hands it over and I realize my hands are a bit shaky when I take off the wrapping paper.
There's a red velvet box and I take a deep breath before I open it.
There is a gorgeous ring in there, but it seems unfinished. In the middle there's a diamond, next to it I see a beautiful ruby. But theres also an empty place for another stone.
"So as you can tell it's not complete yet. The diamond is your birth stone. The ruby is mine and the third one will be peanuts birth stone. If she is born in May I will have an emerald placed in it, but if she is a bit late and waits until it's June there will be a different one."

I swallow back the lump that is forming in my throat, I'm not sad at all, just so happy that it makes my eyes fill with tears.
"I love it Daniel, it's stunning. You really thought about it didn't you?" I give him a kiss before he can answer. I love the way I can taste the sweet fruit he has been eating on his lips.
"I wanted to make it special as I didn't know about your birthday last year, so I have to put two birthdays in one today."

"No you don't silly, but thank you, this is truly such an amazing gift." I try it on and it fits perfectly. I'm not going to wear it just yet, because I'm a bit scared I might start to swell a bit in the next couple of weeks and then maybe I can't get it off anymore.
He understands so we put it back in the box and he places that in his nightstand so as soon as peanut is born he can take it to the jeweler to get the stone put in.

"I told Michael I have a day off today, I don't have to train with him, so I'm all yours today." He says once we finished breakfast.
"Oh my, what on earth did you plan for today?"
He shrugs, "you'll find out. But we should be getting dressed to get ready for your next surprise."

As I take a quick shower to wash up after last night he cleans away the breakfast stuff. He gets in with me and holds my bump for me again to give me a few minutes of ease.
It's truly the best gift he can give me, I love the ring, but the fact that he tries to ease my discomfort is worth so much more.
We get dressed and then he grabs a scarf.
"It's not that cold outside is it?" I ask but his grin tells me it's not for the cold.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now