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Error P.O.V.

A new AU was just made, and by the looks of it, it's another trap. Great. You see, I don't really have a choice but to destroy since Fate forced me into this job. Let's just get it over with. I open a glitchy to the AU and step in, only to find a white place, its another trap. Called it.

"Wh@t'$ thE p0in7 iN hIdiNg aFtEr yoU hAv3 doNe thIs 7hre3 tiMe$?" I ask outloud, slightly annoyed. Suddenly people appear, along with a pissed looking Ink. "If you knew, then why would you come?" Ink says with his words filled with venom. I just look at him like he's an idiot(*cough* he is *cough*). "₩h@t d0 ¥oU 7hInk?" I ask him. He looks even more annoyed. "ATTACK!" Ink yells.

I sigh and get into a fighting position. *Cue Epic Fight Scene That I Can't Write* I'm on the floor with my whole body broken. I start to laugh and laugh. "Ha...ha..ha.hahahaHaHaHAhAHaHAHAHAHAHAHHA, ¥0U ₩AN7 M3 DE@D $O BAD?! FIN3, 8U7 3VER¥ONE IS C0MING ₩ITH M3!" I say in a crazed, glitchy voice. My body heals enough so it isn't falling apart. I stand up and see everyone looking horrified. I smile at them and jumped through a portal......straight to undertale. I jump out and immediately start destroying.

A couple seconds later everyone appears. "WHAT THE HELL ERROR! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" Ink yells, both pissed and terrified. I laugh manically at him. "¥OU ₩AN7 ME D3@D, WEL£ THI$ IS 7H3 0N£¥ ₩A¥" I yelled back. Ink charged at me and I managed to dodge him just in time. I look him in the eyes (eye sockets?) and open the code. I see Ink's eyes widen in panic. I grin maliciously and crush the code.

Everything starts crumbling to pieces and I black out. . . . At least I thought I blacked out, but I seem still very much awake, although it's hard to tell since it's literally black everywhere. Am I in the void? Maybe. Am I dead? Sadly I don't think so.

A soft glow appeared. I liked it, it felt nice. "Hello young one, becuase of certain circumstances you have been chosen to become a new deity. The deity of not only destruction, but balance as well. You are being given a new life, so child, do you wish for a new name, if so, what do you chose?" A kind voice tells me. Wait.... WHAT, I TRY TO KILL MY ENTIRE MULTIVERSE AND THEY DECIDE I SHOULD BECOME A DEITY, NOT ONLY THAT, BUT WHO THE HELL IS THEY.

(It's the author( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

(It is indeed the author;-))

I guess I should just take it as it is, especially since they didn't exactly say I had a choice. Hmmmmmm, what would be a good name. . . . . . . . . . I GOT IT! "I would like my new name to be Rue." I said to the nice voice. "Good choice from now on, you will be known as Rue, the Deity of Destruction and Balance. Your job is to watch over the multiverses and their Errors and make sure their balances don't tip enough to destroy the multiverse."

"Goodbye child." The voice and light then fade away, leaving me in total blackness again. I tried to use my magic and was happy to find out it was successful.

Ugh, I want an actual room to be in. Suddenly, I'm in a nice looking room . . . "Holy...shit..." I say in amazement. It's just like I imagi- wait, can I summon anything I want. I close my eyes and picture a 70 inch flat screen TV on the wall. I opened my eyes to see a TV in the exact spot I thought of. "Cool!" I say out loud giddily. I then open the codes to see I now have access to all the multiverses as well now. I then spend what I assume is a large amount of time, reading about and watching a whole bunch of different multiverses.

Deity of not only destruction but balance too!Where stories live. Discover now