chapter 7

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Era's P.O.V:

I'm curnently watching undernovela(I think that's what it was called) when I felt a pain in my soul. I outwardly cringed in pain, glad none of the gang's members were with me right now. I groaned andgot ready to leave I opened the codes and saw it was another blank AU. I groaned even louder, and my eyes drifted to the nearly invisible string on my wrist. This particular AU was really big, so I couldn't just leave it. I quickly ate a chocolate bar and opened a portal to my doom. I got out and saw noone was there, of course most of them are suck and I could sense their persence, but he sight still made me wnt to laugh. I spoke outloud. "YOu knoW, bL-l-lank AU's doN't 3xac7ly haVe f0r M3 to de$trOy, RigHt? I c0uLd jUst d3Le7e th3 cOde rIghT noW anD 8e doNe wiTh It. You W0uldn'7 h@ve mUch tiMe t0 g3t evEryOne oUt." I state calmly, hoping that Ink will reliaze how stupid he is an send everyone out.

My hopes were ruined when the sanses stated appearing instead of leaving. I got into a battle stance and prepared for whatever Ink's crazy spiel would be this time. Ink grabs his broom and points it at me. "ERROR, YOUR RAIN OF TERROR ENDS TODAY, YOU WON'T DESTORY ANYMORE AUS, EVEN IF i HAVE TO KILL YOU!" Ink sceams at the top of his lungs. I wince a little at the noise, luckly nobody seemed to notice. i sigh, already annoyed. I know full well that I'm not getting out of the unscated, there is at least 3 times more Sanses than there were before, plus Reaper's here too. I open the code windows and look at Ink while smirking, of course I'm acttualy terrified, but he doesn't need to know that. " YoUr M0v3 SquId!" i said threatenly. I'm so glad Rue has been helping me with my voice, even saying something like that would have a few people confused and trying to make out what I said. Although they looked pretty shocked, I think they were surprised at my voice. They shook off they shock pretty quickly though. Ink stood there glareing at me, obivously hesitating. suddenly I sensed someone behind me so I turned around, bad move. I got a blaster to the gut. The codes disappeared and I got back up, knowing that the fight has started and I won't be able to get the codes out again. I start dogding bones and blasters left and right, while stringing up those I could. After about 3 hours of dogding and stringing people up I started to get sluggish. It only got worse after Ink landed a hit with a bone straight through my leg. I continue to weaken, and by the next hour, I was bleeding profusely with holes all over my body from bone attacks I d the pull out of me. Some point in the past hour Reaper touched me, but I quickly hit him away, not giving it much thought. I'm now on the ground with Ink standing above me with his paint brush ready. He swiped red paint at me, so I lifted my arm, trying not to get hit anywhere vital with the burning red paint on his brush. There was on problem though. It was the same arm that had Rue's string. I sizzel and a loud *SNAP* was heard throughout the blank AU and theonly thing I think of while I saw the string turn blue as it slowly floated to the ground was, 'Uh oh'. There was a loud rumbleing sound and a flash of light. Rue's P.O.V: I was reading through the codes of a really cool Multiverse I found when I felt my string snap, and I got yanked from my room. I blink and look around for a few seconds, not completely realizing what happened. My eyes landed on Era. Oh...oh. It finally caught up with me what had happened, this string I gave Era to break for whenever he was in trouble broke. My eyes roam over era's body, assesing the damage. It was bad, like bad, bad. I then saw Ink standing in front of him rubing his eyes. " I could have sworn I gave you a warning the last time I saw you to leave Error alone." I said, letting my anger flow from me. I look Ink in the eyes an I could sense the fear in him. I tear my eyes away from him and look over the crowd, making eye contact with a few and watching them slide to their knees in fear. Suddenly I felt someone enter the AU with an anger almost as bad as mine. " Ya know what Broski, I believe I told 'em somethin' similar." I don't even need to turn around to know who was speaking in a cringe worthy 90s lingo. Although I don't know what he is doning here or even how he is feeling emotion. i take down my walls to ask the voices that I still don't have a name for. ' Hey, what is Era's and Fresh's relationship, and how can he feel?" I ask still exteremly pissed, but trying to be polite.they answered almost right away. ' At first he couldn't feel anything, but Error took a liking to him since he was very colorful and nice, after hanging out for so long, Fresh eventually gained the ability to feel from the souls he ate since he unconsiously started to eat their emotions as well. Now they both have a crush on eachother but won't tell the other.' the first voice answered helpfully. I hummed in appreciation and started altering the codes for this AU. "Fresh, I need to take care of Error. feel free to do whatever you want, anyone who is an orignal will wake back up in thier AU by the next reset." I said calmly, I huge differance from what I felt. I looked over to Fresh to see him put his glasses away and look at me, his eyes are lit up purple and a scary grin grows on his face." That sounds like a rad idea broski!" He says as he summons a bat. I look away and draw my attention back to Era and Ink and start to walk over. Ink realized I was walking over and started to back up, and since he wasn't paying attention, he tripped. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the throat. "I'll deal with you later." I growl out as I throw him at the other sanses. I turn and start heading back over to Era. I reach Era who now have an awkward and nervous look. I sigh and sit down in front of him. "You look like shit." I told him bluntly. "H3y! bRo, th@t's jU$t ruDe." He said laughing a bit, then wincing. I raise my hand and send out green strings, I would've turned them blue, but I haven't tested out if it's just as effective than if I leave them green, so I decide not to risk it. I have my strings slowly wrap around his wounds, healing a few at a time and then moving on to the next body part. By time my strings had finished with Era's body, I decided having them wrap around his head would be awkward, so I wrap my hand in my green strings and rub my thumb over all the cracks that now run throughout his skull. By the time I finished he was almost asleep, so I unsummoned my strings and picked him up. He clung to me almost instantly. I smiled and stood up. I saw Fresh had finished killing everyone but Ink, and was currently fighting him. Ink was losing badly, but I wanted to deal with him personally so I sent my white, chain like, strings at him and tie him up. "I will be dealing with him later, for now, let's get Error home. This fight has obviously exhausted him." I told Fresh. He nodded and put his glasses back on. I made a portal to the AU that Nightmare's mansion is in, but I made it outside so me and Fresh can have a talk on the way there. I made a gesture for him to go through the portal and he did, so I quickly followed and closed it behind me. Fresh gave me a questioning look at where we are. By that I mean he had an eyebrow raised and his glasses said, '???-???'. "I figured we could have a little chat on the way there. Plus I know the gang can be very loud, so I'm putting off them waking Error for as long as possible." I told him. His glasses changed again to, 'Sma-rt!', and then back to the normal 'YO-LO'. "Then should I start, or do ya wanna?" He asked politely, although I can tell he wants to say something. "Most of what I'm going to say isn't really necessary, so I'd say you can go first." I said, knowing that I'm basically just going to be threatening him. He smirks and nods his head, I'd guess to figure out what he wants to ask first. "Okay then, I'll start with why it took you so long to save him, you obviously had the power to." Fresh said, something of his annoyance seeping out along with his lack of lingo. "I have other things I have to attend to. I purposely gave him something that would summon me if he needed me, but he chose against it. Now I'm gonna ask you the same thing, You obviously knew what was happening, why didn't you show up sooner?" I asked back at him, and he seemed satisfied with my answer, then he frowns at the question. " I tried gettin' in yo, but they had it all closed an' stuff. I think you all up and appearing broke whatever was keepin' me out." He said with his normal lingo. I let out a hum of acknowledgement. "That shouldn't be possible. I'll have to look into whatever they did. Considering who you are, you should of been able to go where ever you wanted, although I guess it would have been slightly harder without actually knowing anything about the AU." I said lost in thought. He stopped and went rigid. "Wh-what do ya mean dawg, I'm just a rad skeleton?" Fresh said nervously. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Is that your way of telling me Error doesn't know your a parasite, because that would probably explain why you haven't manned up and asked him out already." I said with a knowing look on my face. He flinched and a bright purple blush quickly grew on his face. "P-please don't tell him, I don't think I could take the look of disgust on his face if he were to find out. Especially since all this feeling things is still weird to me." Fresh said dejectedly, while his glasses change to 'ple-ase'. I snort and have to keep myself from laughing so I don't wake up Era. Fresh went from begging to annoyed real quick. "Yo, what's so funny?!" Fresh says annoyed that I'm laughing at him. "Bold of you to assume he doesn't already know. He has been through a lot and definitely has trust issues, not to mention access to your codes. I highly doubt he doesn't already know, or care." I told him. He spluttered at that. "Thats- what- NO! That's not possible, if he did, I highly doubt he would just brush it off. I'm-" Fresh started to say before I cut him off." A monster, news flash, so is he, as well as everyone else in the underground of the the AUs. I can guarantee that's exactly how he sees you too. A monster. One that he trusts and likes to be with. Plus, you forget that he kills more than you ever had in your life, on a weekly basis." I said calmly. Fresh goes quiet at that. After a few moments he decides to ask me something else. "Who are you?" He asks. It such a simple question, and I know what he ment by it, of course, I'm not going to give it to him yet. " I'm Rue, Error's big brother. Nice to meet you Fresh." I said smirking a but. "Come on, Broski, ya know that ain't what I ment. I all up and check ya, but it said I need permission. Not even Error gets to keep his check to himself, dawg." He said. I cringe at his lingo. I decide to stop fucking with him. "Fiiiiine, I guess you can check me." I said in an exaggerated tone. We stop and I let him check me. Rue HP- 99999999999999999999999999999 ATK- 9999999999999999999999999999 DEF- 9999999999999999999999999999 LOV - 999999999999999999999999999 M AGIC- 9999999999999999999999999 Info -Deity of Destruction -Deity of Codes -Deity of Balance -Big brother to Era or ERROR!Sans from one of his Mutiverses. -Protective -Currently the youngest Deity -One of the most powerful Deities. -Was once an ERROR!Sans from a different Multiverse, but couldn't take it anymore and destroyed undertale in hopes of finally dying. -Immortal -A few Eons old, but has only been a deity for about a month. -Is currently amused Fresh stopped reading. "Holy Shit" Fresh said. I gasp dramatically and he quickly realized his mistake. "Did- did you just say a bad word without censorship. . .I'm so proud!" I said while wiping away a fake tear. I look down at Era who is still asleep in my arms. Stars, that must've really taken it out of him. I then turn the screen to me, confused. " Huh, that's new, I'm pretty sure I was only A deity of Destruction and Balance before." I said curiously. I just shrugged it off and looked at Fresh who seems bummed out at the fact that he cursed. " Don't worry I promise not to tell Era that you used, ahem, 'unrad language'." I said, mimicking his lingo at the end. Luckily that seemed to get a chuckle out of him. "Thanks broski, I appreciate it." Fresh replied. The mansion was in sight. "Good, now that's out of the way, I'm warning you. I can heal physical wounds, but mental health is another story. Be there for him, and if you hurt him, I can promise you won't like the outcome. Oh and do me a favor and don't tell Era about me, he has yet to ask or even try and check me, so I'm waiting to see how long it will take." I finish up saying as we get to the mansion. He nods quickly and knocks on the door. I hear shouting inside and can assume they can't hear it, so I just teleport to Era's room with Fresh and tuck him in bed. "I'm going to go home now, I'm giving to the same thing I gave Era, break it and I'll come if you need me." I said while wrapping a white string around his wrist. I then tie a new black one to Era's. "Don't worry, it should appear on any new hosts as well, goodbye!" I said before teleporting away. Hopefully the next time I see them, at least one of them will have manned up enough to ask the other out.

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