chapter 8

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Error's(Rue) P.O.V:

I got home and jumped into bed. I feel like I'm forgetting something though. . . . OH SHIT! I LEFT INK IN THE THAT BLANK AU. well, he kind of deserves it, but I should probably deal with him now or else I'll forget about him.

(ah yes, the power of not giving a fuck🤗) A.2.

I get up out of bed and make a portal into the blank AU that I left Ink in. Of course he isn't there. I unblock my mind. 'Hey guys, can you tell me where Ink is so I don't have to search for him?' I ask the voices. 'Sure! He is in Dreamtale haveing a meeting about what happened with all the other Sanses.' One of them reply. I thank them them and make a portal to Dreamtale, Deleteing the balck AU on my way out.

"AHHH!" Was the first thing I heard when I stepped out of the portal. "Whoa/Ink!/Are you okay!?" along with a few other things were chorused through out the room. Ink put his hand up an everyone quieted, and yet nobady noticed me, to focused on Ink. "Yeah, I'm fine, Error just destoryed another AU is all." Ink said after he caught his breath and looked up, looseing his breath again when he stared straight at me.

I frowned. "Sorry to break it to you, but Error is still unconscious from your fight. That was all me, but don't worry from this day out you won't have to worry about the pain you feel when Error destroyes." I told him. he looked up at me suspiciously and narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked, slowly and cautiously.

My smirk grew even bigger. "Simple. since you insist on ruining the balance between Creation and Destruction by killing Error, I have deemed you unworthy of being a creator and am striping you of your power to create AUs." I said, now grinnin maliciously. There were some gasps and confused looks that were passed along the room.

Ink looked down right furious. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT, I'M THE GOD OF CREATION! I BET YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN A MORTAL WHO THINKS THEY CAN DO ANYTHING THEY WANT JUST CAUSE THEY HAVE STRONG MAGIC!" Ink yelled at me. Almos all of the Sanses in the room were shocked at Ink's behavior.

Blue and Geno didn't even try and hide thier grins, knowing nobody was paying attention to them. I narrowed my eyes at Ink. "Oh? Plase tell me, who do you think created you, or the orignal Undertale?" I asked him curiously. He scoffed, as if the answer should be obivious. "A deity, duh." Ink said obnoxiously.

I smirked again. "Yeah, but just like there are multiple deities, there are multiple multiverses, and you know which deity is in charge of this multiverse? No? Let me tell you. The deity in charge of your multiverse is the deity of Destruction, Balance, and Code." I said with a strange calmness.

Ink just rolled his eyes, with a mild look of discust on his face. "Your point?" Ink said with an annoyed tone. At this point, my smirk turned back into a grin. "Would anybody like to 'Check' me?" I asked, immediatly seeing Blue's hand go up.

"Ah, Blue, would you come up here and check me, then show it to everyone in the room." I asked him kindly. He immediatly stood up and started runninh over, teleporting halfway through when his brother tried to stop him.

He landed in front of me grinning, having already guessed where this was going. I summoned my soul, letting him put his hand out to check it. Blue's grin grew as he read it bfore turning it to the table and enlarging it.

There were more gasps around the table, while Ink looked terrified.

Rue HP- 99999999999999999999999999999 ATK- 9999999999999999999999999999

DEF- 9999999999999999999999999999

- 999999999999999999999999999

MAGIC- 9999999999999999999999999

-Deity of Destruction -Deity of Codes -Deity of Balance -Big brother to Era or ERROR!Sans from one of his Mutiverses. -Protective -Currently the youngest Deity -One of the most powerful Deities. -Was once an ERROR!Sans from a different Multiverse, but couldn't take it anymore and destroyed undertale in hopes of finally dying. -Immortal -A few Eons old, but has only been a deity for about a month. -Is currently pissed -Has free rein to do whatever he wants in his muliverse.

After everyone had finished reading I spoke again. "You should be glad Ink, originally I was just going to kill you and make a new creator. You know, like a brand new canvas. Instead, I'm getting rid of your god title and abilities. You can still create things, just not things like AUs or life of any kind." I said. Ink just nodded with his head down. I quickly altered his codes and spoke again. "That's all then. I'm tired so before I go, Blue, Geno, would you two like me to send you to Error?" I asked, knowing that there is no point in them staying here. Geno nodded and teleported over to me. "YES PLEASE, RUE!" Blue yelled excitedly. I laughed a little and opened a portal straight to Error's room. After they both went through, I closed it and teleported onto my bed, falling asleep almost insantly.

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