chapter 3

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Error's P.O.V:

 I woke up to something snuggling up to me. I panicked for a second before realizing it was just Era. I decided to lay there with him until he woke up. After about an hour, Era suddenly shot up and clutched his chest.

"Whoa, calm down, was it a nightmare or new AU?"

I asked him while calmly rubbing his back.


he said back.

"Do you want to destroy it now or later?"

I asked him while getting up and stretching, hearing a few bones pop.

"I should do it now."

He said getting up and stretching as well. I held out my hand and he looked at me confused.

"Well, grab on, I'll take you."

I said shaking my hand a bit. He just laughed a little.

"Nah it's fine, I want a little magic warm up after sleeping before having to destroy another AU."

Era told me. I just huffed and nodded my head in understanding.

"Fair enough, you know what to do if you need me"

I told him before he teleported away. Right as I thought he was going to leave, he paused and gave me a hug. I smiled and hugged back.


He said before teleporting. I haven't really looked around his Multiverse before, maybe I should check it out. Let's start at the Anti-void, I haven't been there in a while. I teleport over to Era's Anti-void.

I hear some light chattering at first before it stops almost instantly.

'Hello Ancient One, what brings you here?'

A voice speaks to me in my head.

"Ummm... I was checking out the Anti-void."

I said unsure.

'Oh! Do you plan to claim this multiverse?!"

Another voice says. Claim? I can do that?

"What do you mean?"

I ask the voices. They seem to whisper among themselves for a minute.

"Ahem, sorry, we forgot that your a new deity, so you don't know everything yet. Let me explain, a deity is aloud to make a universe or claim a preexisting universe that was formed on it's own and has yet to be claimed, the other deities will not be allowed to touch your multiverse without your permission, and the multiverse will bond to your soul, letting you do whatever you want in your multiverse."

The voice explains. That doesn't sound like a half bad idea, plus I'll be able to make sure Era is safe. I stay don't say anything for awhile, still thinking about the pros and cons. Eventually, I come to a decision.

"If it's okay with you, I would like to claim this multiverse."

I say politely to the voices. I heard some gasps and murmurs.

"S-sorry, normally a deity wouldn't ask for permission to claim a multiverse."

The first voice says. I look up, confused at what they mean by that.

"Why not? If I'm basically given full control over you, shouldn't you be given some sort of say?"

I ask them, confused. The murmuring starts up again, and the first voice seems to be at a lost for words.

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