chapter 5

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Rue's P.O.V:

I have been practicing using my strings lately. It seems like ever since I became a deity, my powers had a huge upgrade. I can use my strings for different things, and each thing has a different color, although if I train enough with it, I seem to be able to change it back to blue and it will still keep its abilities.

I seem to be able to heal, burn, cut(sharper strings), and other things that I haven't quite tested, like the thicker, chain like ones that are white. I have been experimenting with my powers a lot lately. Maybe I should relax and visit a MV.

The MVs with Nightmare and Dream as the main Balance are pretty cool since Error doesn't suffer as much, let's find one of those to visit. I spend a few minutes searching through MVs before I find one I like. It's called EmpireVerse and Dream and Nightmare rule rival kingdoms. Well then, let's go. With that done, I open a portal on the outskirts if Nightmares kingdom.

After I read a little more about this MV, I head to the entrance. The guards stop me.

"STOP! State your name while we check for weapons."

One of the guards says while walking over to me. I lift my arms up to make it easier for them.

"My name is Rue Misprint."

The other guard looks through a stack of what looks to be wanted posters and nods to the other guard that just finished patting me down.

"You may go in."

The guard says before returning to his post.

I walk into the city to see how sad and depressed everyone looks, and yet, content? I walk around the shopping district looking at some of the food stalls. I continue to walk around for a but, starting to get bored. Suddenly people started to go to the sides of the road and kneel.

I hear I carriage come near, so I turn my head to the left to see Nightmare sitting in a carriage and Killer and Error riding horses up front, with Horror and Cross in the back. They stop as the see me standing and point to me.

"You there! Why aren't you kneeling!"

Killer yells to me. I'm bored so I decide to fuck with them, because why not. So being the little shit that I am, I shrug.

(pop off queen>:D) A.2.

I struggle a little to keep a straight face as I see all of them get annoyed. Nightmare gets out of the carriage and walks straight to me with an angry look on his face.


He demands loudly and authoritatively. Oh hell no this bitch did not just call me a peasant.

(this b-tch did not just call a deity a peasant:O) A.2.

I get a pissed off look on my face and let my blood lust flow off of me, scaring everyone in the area.

"What the fuck did you just call me?"

I say menacing while glaring down at him. All five of them get in attack stances, with four of them getting of their horses and going to thier King before getting into a stance.

I quickly tie them all up in white strings as a little test and get in Nightmare's face while holding his throat tightly, not enough to choke him, but enough where it hurts.

"Call me a peasant one more time and you won't have a kingdom to rule. Do you understand me?"

I say while looking straight into his eyes. He nods shakily and and I back off, letting them all down.

I smile innocently, like nothing happened and wave.

"Well then, I haven't finished exploring, so I'll be off."

I say as I start walking away.


Nightmare says almost desperately. I raise an eyebrow at him.


I reply politely. He coughs straightens himself out.

"Let me show you around the kingdom."

He said almost demandingly. I smirk and walk towards him. He shifts uncomfortably.

"Lead the way."

I say as I reach him.

(ahh this is a nice boding time between the kids😊) A.2.

I can hear everyone release a breath and had to keep myself from snickering out loud. Him and his men lead me around the kingdom, and then show me around the castle. He was showing me the throne room when we ran into someone.

"Emma? Do you need something?"

Nightmare asked the girl standing in the room. She turn around to reply.

"Oh, no, I got bore-"

she started to say before seeing me. She quickly kneeled down and bow her head.

"What are you doing here sir."

She asked me shakily. I was confused at how she knew me so I checked her stats.

- Lives with king Nightmare - A chosen child of Desinty - 17 years old - female - knows about the deities and gods

I stop reading, knowing enough for now. A look of realization crosses Emma's face and she starts panicking.

"Oh no, please don't destory this, I promise I help you fix whatever that problem is, just please don't kill everyone."

She says panicked. Everyone gets on guard.

"Who is this Emma!? You don't even kneel to me!"

Nightmare says. I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone looks up at me shocked.

"Pfft, dont worry child of Destiny, I am not here on business. I was simply exploring. I wouldn't waste time looking around if I needed to get rid of it."

I say while walking towards her and holding my hand out to her. I see her sigh a breath of relief and take my hand, letting me help her up.

"Well then, what would you like me to refer to you as sir."

Emma asks respectfully. I stifle a laugh at everyone's shocked faces.

"Just call me Rue, and it's great to meet you."

I say while holding my hand out to shake. She smiles and shakes my hand.

"My name is Emma, although I guess you figured that out."

She says still slightly nervous. I say my goodbyes and teleport back to my room. I face plant into the bed and fall asleep almost instantly

(same thing with previous chapter😀)

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