chapter 9 for real

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hello lovelies, Nex here, I'm sorry for the prank I've pulled last time but I had to XD
please don't insult my familyT^T


I slowly open my eyes, groaning as a pounding headache comes in bashing. Suddenly, I've been hit with really loud voices asking-no, begging for help.

I ask to myself what the heck is going on as I go through the codes of Eras multiverse but I find nothing wrong with it, so I focus on those voices and try to figure out where they come from. Still nothing. so, last thing left to do is go out myself and search for the source of these voices.

I land in a small clearing as I open the codes, finding out it was a anti-void, but I wonder why there are flowers in this anti-void. Most of them are blank, like, nothing at all, just white for miles on edge, but this one has weird black-like ink flowers, strange.

I open the codes only to find out it wasn't really an anti-void, it was called the flower void? Such a strange name but I guess it fits since there are flowers everywhere.

I began asking myself if this multiverse was taken by a deity or if this void was habitated.

A while later I soon heard the sound of a portal opening and quick footsteps till I got caught off guard and yeeted(yes yeeted)into the ground, feeling some weight on my chest.

Finally, the error signs went away and I could see clearly, only to panic more at the person in my chest.

it was a geno look alike but more... glitchy?..

he had one eye socket red and the other blue, his shorts were made by binary codes and he was glitching so much he could barely be recognized as a geno.

It was strange to say the least, he looked really insane with that grin on his face.

Lets not talk about those eye sockets: they were two different colors, one red and the other blue with many 1/0 going in them, as if some binary codes.

wait, codes?

I thought me and my variants were the only ones that were able to look through codes, he doesn't seem like an error, so who is he?

I didn't realize I zoned out till he talked, asking me who I was and what was I doing in his flower void, so that's what it was called, interesting.

"Wh0 @r€ y0U @πD w#@7 Ar3 ¥0U d0!n℅ #3r3"

His voice was so glitched out it was almost as if you couldn't hear his voice, but it wasn't.

It was still there, faintly but still hearable, the glitches making it harder to understand but I tried my best to do.

And so, I answered since I didn't have any other choice:

"My name is Rue, I don't know what is this place I just so happen to find myself here even tho I wanted to go in the anti-void"

"0# $0 ¥0u Ar€ onE 0f 7h3 b@s7ard$ ¶@wN aREn'7 yOu?"

Bastards pawn? What is he talking about?

I had a small hunch that this 'bastard' we are talking about was this multiverse's Error. But it's strange, in most if not all multiverses there are no other sanses other than the 'originals' as to what I like to call them.

Could he be a geno variant? But that's impossible, how did he survive going out the save screen? I don't understand is there something I'm missing?

"And who exactly is this 'bastard'? I don't recall ever meeting someone named Bastard so could you please enlighten me?"

"D0n'7 ¥0U ¶l@¥ DuMB, I Kn0m ¥0U kn0w #Iw $0 d0n'7 @c7 All inn9c3n7 B3cAus€ I suR3 @$ #3[[ w0n'7 fA[[ f0R i7"

Geez just how much does this guy hate his Error, what has he done to him to make him hate him so much?

"I assure you I'm telling the truth, I don't know who is this you're referring to, I didn't even knew this place existed"

The strange figure kept eyeing me as if he's searching for an open spot, weakness, searching for any lie. But there wasn't any. He knew I was telling the truth, but why was he so... wary of me. Now don't get me wrong, I know of stranger danger but something must of happened for him to be this.... messed up.

"@uD #0m d0 I ku0m yOu'r3 n0t ly!ng?...."

(take this as a little reminder that I'm not discontinuing this bookT^T. I just have been caught up with school so much that I honestly forgot this book D:)A.2.

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