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hello lovelies, Nex here


due to some..unexpected things happening.. I'm gonna put this book into a small hiatus, but no discontinuation

the reason I'm not discontinuing it is simple, avtually there are 2

the first is, I'm having a writer block due to me falling out of the fandom, BUT, I'm not completely out of it, just having a small writers block

the second is, because I dont wanna disappoint you all.

I feel how it is when a book you like is discontinued so I wont do it for you:)

and I kmow how hard it is, especially when ao3 is down to an attack made by DDoS. What's that? Its a group of hackers who are very religious so they attacked ao3 because they found it filthy from what I understood.

I give all of my concern and care to those who is grieveing due to ao3 being down as I myself is going insaneT^T

and remember to drink, eat and take care of yourself in general because even tho it may seem that everyone hates you, that they want you dead, it isn't, there is still people out there, people that you may not even know and as creepy as it may sounds, they still care for you.

like, I care for you all even if I may not kmow you personally

you all gave me so much support and I feel like I should do more for y'all, yk, as a thank you gift; or some comfort, funny thing to make your day

now It seems like I'm saying goodbye to yall foreverT^T

but that isn't the case, I'm having a small writers block that I will hopefully get out soon


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