Getting to know Eachother

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Hi again!

Just wanted to let you know I'm going to make a discord server and it will be linked in another chapter!
It will be about anything Zelda or story related or just a place to chat in general.

Hope that seems like a good idea.


Please correct me if I'm wrong but
Legend - Original legend of Zelda.
Hyrule- A link between worlds
Warriors- Hyrule warriors




The hero's have wondered off somewhere with the new hero of their group.

Zelda was talking with Mipha and Sidon, Revali was teaching Teba his updraft.

Daruk and Yunobo didint seem to have their powers transferred as it was passed down to Yunobo anyway. They where eating royal rock roasts.

Urbosa was teaching Riju her lightning and trying to figure out a way to reverse this mark.

The links in the woods where talking and getting to know the new link and eachother a bit more.

"So! I want everyone to show us or tell us  something cool we didn't know before!"Warriors exclaimed

"Yeah! Bagsy going first!" Wind shouted jumping and putting his hand up

The group turned towards him.

"I can't really show it as it's a boat in my world.. BUT! I did sail on a red boat who turned out la'er to be King Rhoam!" He said smiling widely

The group looked shocked.

"Your king must have been so cool!" Sky said.

"Yar! 'e was super!"His pirate accent was showing meaning he was either sad or happy.

Wind went and sat back down.

"My turn next!"Hyrule said

"So, I had two worlds. Hyrule and lowrule. And I had to get rid of Lowrule by saving Hyrule. It was really confusing at first but I kinda got the hand of it"

"That seemed so confusing even when you said it."Twi said confused.

"As I said, ya get used to it!"

He sat back down as Four stood up happily.

"SO! as you know I have 4 personality that change randomly, the reason is for the four sword that I still seem to own." He said unsheathing it
"I'll just show you"

He put the sword out Infront of him, it glowed red, then yellow then purple then green.

Coming out of the sword, 3 identical links to Four appeared. Each looked slightly different though.

Purple looked aware, Red annoyed and Yellow Bubbly. Green looked like a normal link, determined.

The green link ( or Four ) Waved the others copying.

"The sword basically allows me to split my soul in four and it takes a fragment of my personality with it." They all said in usuion.

"That's sick!" Legend said

Four put the sword out infornt of him and the links went back into him as he became colourful again.

He sat down.

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