The Deity Takes Over

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Twilight POV

When we awoke, Time was passed out on the countertop. We where going to wake him but we know he needs this sleep. We waited for around 30 minutes then he awoke.

"Morning Old man" i commented.

He just nodded his head in my direction. He groaned and proceeded to tell us about the plan in place

"Wild I would like you to try on the mask, for safety reasons to see if you can handle it. Because we don't want to get to the final fight and you can't do it." He said. Wild nodded.

For a new kid he's really determined. He's alot like me, careless. Nonetheless, he took the mask from Time. He put it up to his face. Everything went silent as it adjusted to him. It seemed calm and he took away his hand. Then it started to tumble downhill.

His hands  clasped themselves over his ears and he screamed. He flayed around and went into the wall, sliding down. We where all shocked, shoutinf things at Time to get his permission to take it off. 30 seconds of this tourture passed when Time became Panicked and asked our help to pry the mask off. We did so and left Wild to calm down.

He layed still on the floor. Unmoving and unresponsive. We all stayed quiet, prolonging the silence.

"Wild? You okay buddy?" Legend asked, Crouching down next to him. The trousers-less man brushed some hair out of Wilds face and he was completely unresponsive.

"Wild?" Legends voice was filled with more worry at the unresponsive child. He shook him and still nothing "HES DEAD!" Legend said. Panick was sent though me and we rushed over.

Hyrule immediately started doing CPR to try and revive Wild. I prayed and grabbed a Fairy from my Satchel. I opened the bottle and it flew around Wild. It did a bit. Only have him one breath but then he was gone again. All of us used our Fairy's to try bring Wild back.

I used my Last fairy and sat back. Everyone else did and Hyrule eventually stopped his CPR revival method. Sadness and Grief filled us and also Guilt for not doing anything. I looked down, feeling warm, salty tears flow from my eyes. I sniffed drawing attention to myself. I wasent usually one to cry but it was a teammate.

As soon as we met Wild, I felt the closest to him. We where close from then on. Now it just hurts to see him gone.

I bring my Knees up to my chest and cried into them.

I cried for ages. Glancing up now and again at Wild's corpse.

Eventually I got tired and fell asleep.


I awoke to the comfort of a want bed with sheets that tucked nicely around me. I felt bare underneath, on further notice I was not wearing my fur or hero clothes.

I slid open my eyes to a bright light. I closed them again and winced. I groaned and allowed my body to stretch. Ouside of the Blanket was Cold so I stayed wrapped up inside it.

I opened my eye again this time adjusting to the light. I found out I was wearing a black T-Shirt that was way too large for me and a simple pair of my Boxers. I hid.myelf underneath, hoping they haven't seen my scars or Markings.

I saw on a table to the foot of the bed layed all of my stuff nearly in a pile. The bedside next to me housed a glass of water. And a passed out asleep Legend.

I propped myself up with my elbows and used the water to wash away the dry feeling in my throat. Hyrule came in and was surprised to see me awake.

"Good morning Twilight." I nodded at his welcome.

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