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Characters now look and act more like the original LU from JoJo, so go check their work out aswell ok Tumblr but can also be found on Google and Pinterest.

Also I'm adding Past cus yes

Enjoy this!

Wilds POV

As we stepped through the swirling portals we where met with a joyful island. In.. the sky.

Wait what?

"WOAH! Sky is this your island?!" Wind exclaimed jumping up and down

"Yep it is Sailor. C'mon I'll show ya around, And I assure you, there are no monsters till you reach the surface" Sky replied running off

We all followed suit. I walked calmly behind with Twi who the others sometimes called Ordonian or Rancher.

"Ya know ya can speak tiny"

Tiny?! Who's he calling tiny?!

I signed back to him

I made a vow. I choose not to speak and quite frankly, don't know if I still have a voice

"Nahhh. C'mon, we all made Vows and got them broken somehow. I think the Goddess understands why and, she wouldn't mind ya talking around us as we are also hero's. So don't think to much if this but I'm making you speak today weather you like it or not Tiny"

Again with the tiny?!

Fine. Your arrogant. Now how do you speak again?

"Your calling me arrogant. I guess you haven't been around Old man so long so I can see where you get it from. Anyway, I'm strayin'. So, you build up courage and just try making your mouth move and feel your throat say the word."

I nodded and tried. I opened my mouth to say a hi but a mixed up gurgle erupted instead. I flushed red, embarrased. Twi laughed slightly.

"It happens to the best of us Tiny. Now, just try again but think of it more smoothly. Just think of yourself saying the word... I dunno. Hello"

I nodded again and tried. My throat tickled as the word flew up it into my mouth. My lips.moved suit to the word I spoke.

Somehow, thank the goddess, I was able to speak a very clear hello.

"Wow. Hello aswell Tiny. Now just try say something to me. For example, 'Hi I'm Wild, what's your name?'"

I nodded, again, and tried speaking. The same weird sensation in my mouth as my voice spoke words.

"Hi I'm Wild, what's your name?"

The rancher looked shocked at my capability to speak so fluently.

"That's well done. Now, when your in a conversation and you want to speak, just do what you did there all over again. And now we need to somehow find Sky."

I looked around with Twi. All we saw where normal Hylians. No heroes.


Twi smiled at my improvement to speak.

We looked around when a blonde girl in a pink and white gown with Tan trousers, big boots and a harp jumped Infront of us.

"Hello boys! You look lost, may I help you in any way?"

Her voice was calming and recognizable. I and Twi both recognised the voice.

"We uh, where looking for our friends. They went wondering round and we got lost"
Ordonian said rubbing the back of his fur filled neck passed the fur on his shoulders

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