Visit to Clock Town

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Thx for all the reads, I, though, hardly dought anyone will read this far.

If you have I luv ya!

Comment if u have!

Wind POV

After I got saved from being chucked off a Bull, I got news that where where heading to Termina. A small Town here.

Malon needed some things from the shop and we got permission to look around

The town was small but well built. I learnt that Termina was the lands surrounding. Termina is like a outside Hyrule lands. The town itself was called Clock Town. Hence the giant clock in the middle.

I saw a weird cloaked girl. She seemed to have long hair and odd trader clothes

"Captainnnnnn! Can we go to the girl?" I begged Warrior

"Sure sprite"

We traveled over. She saw us approaching. A sign was visible, a bowl of Rupees next to it

Fortune telling
20 rupees per person

I looked  at Warriors hopefully

"You have your own money, ya ain't using mine!"

I grunted but got out my bag of Rupees fishing out a Red 20 Rupee.

I put it in the bowl and sat down cross legged

"Put your hands out Palms up on your knees. I will touch and direct your hands. Be calm and relax your body. Feel your spirit, calm it."  She explained

I did as she said and looked into her crystal ball out of curiosity.

She examined my palms, humming then putting two coins on them and closing up my hands.

The coins where cold at first but then turned a fiery hot. I hissed.

"Is it hit or cold?" She asked

"Hot. Definitely hot!" I explained.

She nodded, taking away the coins then placing my hands ok the Crystal ball.

"Relax your mind. Close your eyes. You will see your future in the ball when I say you can open them."

I did as she said and closed my eyes, relaxing and clearing my mind and thoughts.

"Open and only focus on the images in the crystal ball"

I heard and felt Warriors looking over my shoulder curiously

I looked into her crystal ball. Inside was smoke but it formed a image.

It was me, looking up at the Tower, next there was a big moon structure with a smiling Mouth

There was a weird spiky mask I felt I had seen before but couldn't place it.

Either Warriors or Twilight where wearing it. It was unclear and swapping between them.

Next It formed to another image.

This one was more freaky

The sky turned a eerie red and I was being lifted up by the mask and it's user.

Lots of bloodshed was eveywhere and there where four giant things holding up the moon from the tower.

The moon's face was now sad.

The vision faded away

"I wish you luck with your travels." She handed me someting. It was a rupee but a weird Black colour. It shimmered none the less

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