The imprisoned

71 3 0

I'm using both the imprisoned from SS and Hyrule warriors so yeah



I dashed around, attacking the big black creature.

It's toes and the thing on it's head are a weak point, it also has a strange yet fammilliar aura.

I was still tired so my movements where slower.

I wasent paying attention, then a pain shit throguh my leg

I groaned loudly in pain and looked at it.

One of the improsoned's teeth was sticking throguh it.

It seemed to do something as I fell back, weak.

My body pumped, my heart pounding.

A small voice made itself known in my head.



The voice was recognisable, so was the pain. But I couldn't quite place them.

Then it hit me, quite litteratley.

The now known triforce on my hand glowed a bright yellow.

Like it did the first time I entered the twilight realm.

I got up with the help of my sword and started running off.

I found myself not getting far before I collapsed.

Wild ran over to me

"Twi? Twi, are you okay?"

I just growled at him.

He looked at me oddly.

"Just help me up"

I said throguh gritted teeth.

He did. We both ran up the spiral, leaving Four, legend, wind and Time to keep it occupied

He sat me down behind a boulder.

I kept trying to push the beast inside me down.

No avail.

The triforce pulsed more and the pain was like roots crawling up me from the Fang.

I looked at Wild and growled.

As I let the feral beast out.

Wild looked taken aback by my new form.

I felt a fammilliar presence with me

I just flipped over and shook my body to rid of dust.

I had to get used to this form

"What in the.... Twi? Are you still there?"

I growled and nodded, barking.

Wild laughed a bit.

Without a word I bit my jaw together and ran off, jingling with the cuff still alay on my ankle.


I rejoined the fight, attacking the toes, alot quicker.

When the beast was stunned i jumped up and attacked it's headrest.

The others took notice and jumped up attacking it aswell.

Time jumped up, impailing his sword in its head as the claymore in the beasts head went through it.

We jumped down as it screamed for one final go at killing.

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