Meeting the Wife

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Wild POV

We stepped throguh the portal. I felt myself being chucked sound and we ended up in a wooded area filled with bright green trees and small houses.

"Right. Who is this Hyrule belong to?" Four asked

"Why it's mine. Now, we won't stay here for long. I know my way to Termina from here. Come along" Time said

He took us over a rickety bridge and we found a stable. We all got horses and rode along.

It faded to night so we set up camp in a sketchy Swamp

I took first whatched.

It was all calm. Time took second watch. I fell into a blissful sleep.


Morning arose and I cooked us all a loaf of bread and a omelette.

The group was surprised at my previously hidded cooking skills

"Normally we leave Twilight to cook, never a good idea. Don't know why we didint stop." Legend said

I smiled at the complement and Twilight looked a bit annoyed

"My cooking is perfectly fine thank you!" He countered

"Great cooking my ass! We get severed either Uncooked or Burnt food because you fall asleep!" Warriors remorsed.

Twilight took offence and stared daggers into Warriors soul. Warriors didn't Flinch

"Ladies ladies, Let's just agree Twilight should take lessons From Wild. Hmm?" Sky said resolving it.

Both of them huffed in defeat.

"Right. All Eaton? Get up, were nearly there." Time said eagerly.

"What's got you do happy?" Hyrule Commented. We agreed.

"Never seen ya this happy old man."
Twi commented earning a hit to the head

He huffed a ouch and mounted his steed.

I gave mine a couple apples which it gobbled up before mounting it.

We where back on the move in no time.

Time showed us out of the swamp to the plans of a field. There where some cattle grazing but other than that is was calm.

In the distance was a barn and a small house.

Further in the distance was a small town.

"Home sweet home." Time side before galloping off

"Seriously?!" Wind shouted. He had no idea how to ride a horse and was all over the place.

Eventually we got to the Barn and House with only Wind and Legend falling off.

"I'm never riding a horse again" wind commented as he got off.

We laughed at his reaction to Simple horse riding.

We followed Time who walked straight into the house, no knocking. Though I wouldn't be surprised, i do it way to often.

Inside was small but homely.

It had some pictures up around and a staircase. If you turned rifht it led to a Kitchen/Lounge. Upstairs I guessed where the bedrooms.

"Malon. You home?" Time called out. A hmm was heard from the Kitchen and we all went that way.

Time rushed up to a Red haired lady. He kissed her gently

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