The final Day

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Twilight POV

I breached open my eyes, relieving myself from the nightmare I just exited.

My body aches and burns constantly.

The light was bright and my eyes where dry and Heavy

I immediately saw faces over me

"Morning Twi." Wild said, though he seemed upset and unsure.

"Something up...... What's up" My voice was sore and Hoarse.

The group stayed quiet, looking my up and down

"Tell me what's wrong!" I was getting annoyed and felt him perk up. I shut him down.

"You.... You only have one day left...."


Hyrules words hit me like stone.

Everyone fell silent.

"Sky is here, we saved him. Though he's trying to make a potion but the ingredients have all died out." Four said, voice cracking

I felt shook. Unable to do anything.

Just then Sky ran in. He held a potion bottle with Yellow shimmery Liquid

"Try this. Now." He shoved it down my throat.

I noticed he wasent in his hero clothes. Just some shorts and no Shirt. Showing off all his scars and a Amber diamond on his chest.

It was leaking throguh the bandages wrapped over it.

The liquid leaked through my throat, making it burn. I winced and hissed

"C'mon Twi. Either you drink this or you die in a couple hours" he said sadly yet determined

I drank more and the bottle was empty.

My head pounded and I could feel his presence growing.

I felt warm liquid run from my nose downwards.

The group grabbed a cloth pressing it up to my nose.

"Fourth nosebleed in four hours. One every hour. Take note " Legend said, Wild was taking notes.

"I'm dying quicker, aren't I?" I said brokenly

Hyrule sighed " We try not to think of it, but yes. Yes you are. Sorry Twilight..."

I accepted his words.

I felt a tinge of him inside me trying to break through, I pushed him down with a groan.

"Is everyone else okay?" I asked. The group laughed

"Your so soft and Caring Twi." Wind said, through waterfalls of tears.

"Warriors has woken once, had some food and medication and is now nearly healed."
Hyrule said

"Time is now under. He fought a demon with a weird Mask. He became incredibly strong but after he stabbed the demon in the Heart, or chest, the mask flew off him and he passed out" Four Explained.

Everything Pieced together in my head.

"I saw him, I talked to him, Time.
He was in the odd visions I kept having. He sees panicked and out of it. He wore a Blue red spiky mask with Yellow glowing eyes. They seemed enchanting. Though it felt bad, the mask had a bad Aura. I've heard of what the mask Entails only through Legend. But now it's on Time, though it's not in person, is corrupting him. We have to wake him. Now." I said biting throguh the pain.

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